RIP Somali guy killed

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Garxaajis Slayer
no was arrested, thats the saddest part. You canadians need to start snitching. Dadkii wey dhamaadeen. Only a nacas obeys the street law of "no snitching". Just make a fucking anonymous call and direct the detective to the door of "Abdi qasaaro at 5544 Dixon rd apart hooyadii wase".:kanyehmm:
I wish we had info that we can snitch with but sadly that's not the case :meleshame:

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
It was a set-up...why they wanted to kill him is anyones guess but he wasn't part of the Chester Le 'gang'.The beef could have stemmed from jealousy over some hoe or he had some real beef with these two guys for reasons unknown.You also got to understand many of these somali yutes are trigger happy hot-headed morons like their geeljire cousins back home.

Make Dua for the brother and pray that the killers get caught.
My nigga my fams know his fams so you shouldnt be airing out info like this esp on the internet. I assume you from scarbs also/
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