Responsibly Use Your Opponents against Each Other

Responsibly Use Your Opponents against Each Other​

By Bassam Zawadi

If you are knowledgeable and skilled enough, it is advised and smart that you use your opponents against each other.

Make use of Christians refuting atheists. Use Jewish counter missionaries and Biblical Unitarians against Christians on the subject of the Trinity. Use atheists and liberal Christians against fundamentalist Christians on New Testament criticism. And so on.

Once again, the "knowledgeable" and "skilled" bits cannot be stressed enough—some Muslim apologists, in their attempt to do this, end up committing double standards at times.

In utilizing Christian-inspired philosophical arguments against atheists, some adopt stances that do not align with some Islamic theological notions. In utilizing Jewish counter missionary arguments, some end up refuting the prophecies of Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the Torah if they were to adopt the same level of strictness consistently. In utilizing a liberal historical critique approach, one adopts a methodology that could equally hurt the historical traditional Islamic narratives. And so on.

Consistency is a must, for, without it, we lose credibility and become disingenuous. Do not get too excited to throw arguments against your opponents; think and ask yourself whether the argument is valid to begin with and what implications it may have for your own beliefs.



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