Reer Minnesota have hit an new low

''Have ties to companies that swindle 250 million dollars claiming to feed kids during the pandemic''

They are connecting this to companies connected to highly publicized feed the children future. So it's probably another ethnic profiling operation.

I spoke at length about this bogus fraud case. I took at look at the court transcripts and documents from the defense and prosecution, it shows a very different picture than the news headlines.
The other scandal around ''Feeding Our Future'' case was bogus , i read the court transcripts & not the news headlines and they proved that they purchased & distributed food, showed receipts, storage/warehouses with tons of food in them , cars delivering the food etc and the prosecution lumped up legitimate businesses that was selling/providing the food with the non-profit orgs that purchased it from them, to make it seem like they were pocketing the state sponsored money via shell companies which no proof for either. They were not shell companies.

Then after that accusation became shaky the prosecution switched up and said they inflated the numbers of food served/purchased, put showed no proof for them doing it. They didn't call in food experts , food scientists or people working in Child Nutrition program to testify on it to estimate/review it.

The Jury found half the charges to be false and acquitted 2 key people in connection to this. They are currently awaiting an appeals process , so we will see how it develops.

They made this whole web of conspiracy , drawing links where there was no links.

Somalis should get together a legal team via CAIR and file a lawsuit against the federal department. This not the first time they made up a bogus federal case against Somalis in Minnesota that was proven to be a bust and they are deliberately targeting and wrapping up innocent Somalis in ethnic profiling scheme

Remember this?

The Biggest Sex-Trafficking Bust in FBI History Was Totally Bogus​
They already acquitted two Somalis that was charged with the rest. And a about half the charges were found to be false by the Jury for the other ones.
The part about widespread fraud, shell companies, and not delivering/purchasing food was false.

The strength of the prosecution whole case rested on the allegation that the numbers of food being delivered was inflated. The FBI agents didn't visit the warehouses stocked with food nor looked at the companies food invoices, nor did they bring in people familiar with food distribution or child food programs to asses it.

They just brought disjointed checks, bank records, and other financial documentation that had no connections to each-other or any context behind it to support their case.
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Aad iyo aad
''Have ties to companies that swindle 250 million dollars claiming to feed kids during the pandemic''

They are connecting this to companies connected to highly publicized feed the children future. So it's probably another ethnic profiling operation.

I spoke at length about this bogus fraud case. I took at look at the court transcripts and documents from the defense and prosecution, it shows a very different picture than the news headlines.

Stop it 250 million dollars of food was not bought these people were crooks. I live in city and know about the milk and food bought and thrown away in alleys. Food and milk being bought left at Costco so they could get receipts. Even with all the coverups the lie and numbers were so massive still couldn’t account for 250 million. Millions in accounts from ill gotten gains.
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When it comes to things like this I actually don't mind what scumbags lailahaa Somalis and corruption go hand in hand disgusting wallahi, even in the video it says its a familiar sight, no ikhlaq or decency or honesty from supposdely a pious muslim community.

Islam awards people the presumption of innocence . Don't go deeming Somalis corrupt or lack of decency thinking Islam supports it
The presumption of innocence is fundamental to Islamic law where the principle that the onus of proof is on the accuser or claimant is strongly held,

In any case there is extensive documentation on how the Federal govt/FBI has been targetting Somalis and have many times in the past wrapped them in ethnic profilling schemes that have been proven to be bogus.
Community members say they are being frequently targeted by the FBI because of their ethnicity and religion.
Stop it 250 million dollars of food was not bought these people were crooks. I live in city and know about the milk and food bought and thrown away in alleys. Food and milk being bought left at Costco so they could get receipts. Even with all the coverups the lie and numbers were so massive still couldn’t account for 250 million. Millions in accounts from ill gotten gains. People who believe your posts brainless
Thats a nice fantasy story. I was also there and saw them feeding the food to pigs and unicorns and throwing into the river to feed the fish. You just have to trust my word for it loool get real.

They were in actuality delivering it to feed the kids and the rest of it was stocked in storage units . They showed videos and photo evidence of it, with date stamps etc . Videos of them delivering and distributing the food.

All of this was shown by the defense in courts.
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Aad iyo aad
Thats a nice fantasy story. i was also there and saw them feeding it to pigs and unicorns. You just have to trust my word for it lool get real.

They were actually delivered to feed the kids and the rest of stocked in storage units . They showed videos and photo evidence of, with timestamps etc

All of this was shown by the defense in court.
u are not stupid so you are spreading misinformation on purpose. a quarter of a bilions is insane money. these folks have no respect for american laws and even tried to bribe jurors after stealing funds meant for poor kids. if everyone behaved like this minnesota would be anarchy. when federal govt brings charges you are going down and they have been watching you for long time. im glad system working lock these folks up they give bad name to hardworking somalis

u are not stupid so you are spreading misinformation on purpose. a quarter of a bilions is insane money. these folks have no respect for american laws and even tried to bribe jurors after stealing funds meant for poor kids. if everyone behaved like this minnesota would be anarchy. when federal govt brings charges you are going down and they have been watching you for long time. im glad system working lock these folks up they give bad name to hardworking somalis

There is no proof they bribed jurors. Some unidentified person dropping random money at a juror's doorsteps gotta be the most idiotic thing i have ever read. None of it was connected back to those accused but the headlines ate it up and i doubt they were behind it.

Nothing i said was misinformation. They did deliver the food. Not even prosecution could deny this, so they relied on taking out of context information to argue that they inflated the number of purchases.





Also the businesses were real businesses that had been operational for many years before they even started working with the non-profits that purchased food from them. They were not shell companies that sole function was to pocket money.
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The fact that you have 2 out of 7 people found not guilty by the jury is major because only 0.4% of defendants in federal criminal cases were found not guilty in 2022.

That makes me believe the case deviated from the rest as it was built on very shaking grounds to begin it and it proves defense attorney argument in that they were just waving broad brushes.

Read this:


But yeah my point is that we should hold the presumption of innocence and not jump to conclude anything about Somalis from sensational news headlines.
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🌊🐫𐒅𐒔𐒖𐒂 𐒅𐒘𐒐𐒐𐒗𐒇🇸🇴🪽
I’m amazed, every day I open this website and my people discover new ways to disappoint me :mindblown:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)

Apprently the ring leader is from the “Minneapolis-Bosaso” twin city initiative. FBI is investigating them too.


🌊🐫𐒅𐒔𐒖𐒂 𐒅𐒘𐒐𐒐𐒗𐒇🇸🇴🪽
Trump needs to deport every somali from mn that disgraces the somali name.
The Somali name is the epitome of disgrace in the 21st century. The label itself represents barbarism, how many other ethnic groups commit major crimes, you don’t see them beg a neo nazi to deport their people before a verdict is issued.