Radio Mogadishu launches Italian Language segment

Other than nostalgia of the older generations who remember how fashionable speaking Italian was in their youthful days... I am not too sure what use there is for Italian language these days?
Farmaajo's regime is obsessed with dragging the country backwards and now they have resurrected Italy's soft power in Somalia.

What kind of despicable clown would bring back a lame Colonial language that has no relevance or use outside of Italy. He even sent a team of Somali doctors (that are desperately needed in Somalia) to help his Colonial Italian masters combat Covid-19.

During a trip to Italy in November 2018, President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo described ties between the countries as β€œhistoric”, with Somalia even sending a team of its doctors to support Italy when it was struggling with Covid-19 in the pandemic’s early days.

On 6 October, Somalia’s information minister Osman Dubbe revealed an agreement with Italy that would resume an Italian language broadcast on the states’ radio station, Radio Mogadishu, for the first time in thirty years.

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Other than nostalgia of the older generations who remember how fashionable speaking Italian was in their youthful days... I am not too sure what use there is for Italian language these days?

It's clear Farmaajo's regime likes to suck up to any country they can for their own nefarious agendas but the deals they sign always end up being detrimental to Somalia. The deal with China to have fishing rights in Somalia was worth only 1 Million dollars and now this deal with Italy to bring back their language which basically means, bringing back Italians until they find a way to benefit financially.

Italy's economy is in trouble so of course they are salivating to get in on the new rush for Africa. They don't want the Turks, Chinese and Arabs to eat by themselves.

Italian language learning will "bring opportunities" kulaha? This is the same country that likes to ignore sinking tahriibi boats. For all we know, they sink the boats themselves.

The Human Rights Committee said on Wednesday that Italy β€œfailed to respond promptly to various distress calls from the sinking boat, which was carrying more than 400 adults and children”.​

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Somalis are well known for being polyglots, I don’t see an issues with this if there’s a market or interest for people who want to learn Italian. It’s a nice sounding language:)


@Pwyneth Galtrow

European countries often use poor countries for call center work in their own language.

Sometimes when I call German IT help desks I get Namibians or German Brazilians who pick up the phone.

Language proficiency in Italian could provide some work for Mogadishu youth.
@Pwyneth Galtrow

European countries often use poor countries for call center work in their own language.

Sometimes when I call German IT help desks I get Namibians or German Brazilians who pick up the phone.

Language proficiency in Italian could provide some work for Mogadishu youth.

I doubt this will ever happen in Somalia, the new Italian rulings state that customers have to be informed where a Call Centre operator is physically located. Furthermore, the ruling states that customers have the right to speak to an Italian Call Centre. If a company doesn't comply with this ruling, they will get fined 10,000 EUR for each day of non-compliance.

Which Italian company would risk opening a call centre in Mogadishu just to run the risk of their operatives accents being clocked as fake and get huge fines?

The Colonial leeches have been invited back to leech and to do so effectively, they will need native helpers that can speak their language.

In both cases of inbound and outbound calls, customers shall be informed of the place where the call center operator is physically located. Moreover, in case of inbound calls, customers shall have the right to choose to be assisted by an Italian call center. This provision has the clear purpose to favor the Italian national market.

In case of failure to comply with the above depicted requirements, a sanction equal to EUR10,000 for each day of non-compliance might apply.
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β€œI am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Mashallah, this is the signal for Italian Somalis who fled in 91 to come back under the safe tenure of President Farmaajo. Many Italian Somalis exist like Maria Corbano . Somalia is for all citizens.


Minister of Propaganda
Tbh it’s more of a PR move and I can’t hate it even though I’m an avowed anti-colonialist.

It’s a sign that Somalia is going back to pre-1991 as RM used to have an Italian-language service well into the 1980s.

Also, having an small italian speaking population will probably mean more scholarships, more aid, more cooperation and more development from Italy. Tbh they have almost no friends apart from us and they’ll do anything to keep us somewhat tied to them.

However, if I was leader, I wouldn’t seriously spend public funds on the Italian language but I would have no problem if people set up private Italian-language schools for people who wanted to pay for it.
Somalia Italiana:salute:

This group will be happy to be back in their country

Farmaajo's regime is obsessed with dragging the country backwards and now they have resurrected Italy's soft power in Somalia.

What kind of despicable clown would bring back a lame Colonial language that has no relevance or use outside of Italy. He even sent a team of Somali doctors (that are desperately needed in Somalia) to help his Colonial Italian masters combat Covid-19.

Using Somalia's colonial past to strengthen ties with Italy can only be a good decision. Italy didn't have many colonies and there would be a good chance for trade links/deals in the future. Italy may also invest more in Somalia. More exposure to foreign languages can only help Somalis too, any sort of access to education is ultimately beneficial
It blows mind away for the fact that we somalis are too naive to the intentions of these countries including turkey. We need self empowerement not to depend on foreingners. We need our language. First everything else is secondry. Just becos korea is clonised by japan do u think koreans adopted japanese language πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ hell no