Puntland Oo Aqbashay inay Saldhiig Jabhadeed Siiso Beelaha Cayr iyo Sacad


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081

Wararka ay helayso shabakadda Khaatumo News, ayaa sheegaya in Masuuliyiinta Maamulka Puntland ,aqbalen in Saldhig Jabahadeed Lasiiyo Beelaha Sacad iyo Cayr ee Habar Gidir,

Saldhigan ayaa yimid kadib markii masuuliyiin ka socda Beesha Cayr gaar ahaan Ahlu sunna ay kulamo isdaba joog ah la qaaten Madaxda puntland,

Caasimada Garoowe, Waxaa ku sugan dhamaan Madaxda Ahlusunna oo Dagaal looga saaray Degmada dhuusamareb islamarkaana lagu khasbay inay ku raali noqdan maamulka Qoor qoor.

Maalmaha soo socda waxaa Deegaanada Gobolka galgaduud ee Beesha caydh-degto ka iman doona ciidamo Hubaysan iyo saanad military, waxey soo mari doonaan dhanka Degmada Galdogob ee Puntland iyagoo isku aruursan doona Deegaanka Heema oo Gaalkacayo u jirta 20km,

Dhanka kale Beesha Sacad ayaa waxay hub iyo ciidan leedahay isugu geyn doonta Xaafada Koonfureed ee magaalada Gaalkacyo.

Qorshaha ay wadaan Beelaha Cayr iyo Sacad ayaa ah in labadaasi garab bilo gudahood ku dhisaan ciidan awood leh, waxay heshiis ku gali doonaan inay mideeyaan awoodooda si ay ka hortag iyo iska caabin ugu sameeyaan kooxda Qoorqor,

Dulaanka hore ayaa ah inay u ruqaansan doonaan Magaalooyinka, Bandiiradleey, Hoybo, Cadaado, ilaa ay Dhuusamareeb ka gaaraan.

Qorshahan abaabulan ee Beelaha Habar Gidir, wadaan islamarkaana puntland ku marti galinaso Mudug ayaa kusoo beegmaya xili kenya ay ku marti galinaso Xuduudka Jabhado hubaysan oo sita magaca Maamulka Jubaland.

Dawlada U Hogaamiyo Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa dib u bilowday inay somaaliya ku celiso 1991 kadib markii ay dagaal toos ah ku abaartay Urur diimeeydo beelaysan iyo maamul goboleedyo beelaysan,

30 Sano ayay qaadatay in la joojiyo xabad ay xiliga xal mooday Dawladii Maxamed Siyaad Barrem oo kula dagaalantay Gudaha dalka dadkii ay xukumasay,,Mar kale waxaa mooda in Xukumad xalmaoday xabad ay Soomaaliya ka talinaso,
20km from gaalkacyo is too near SNA strongholds they won't have enough time to build up the sna will attack them, you should have given habar gidir a base near bosaso

@Samaalic Era what you think about that.

Samaalic Era

20km from gaalkacyo is too near SNA strongholds they won't have enough time to build up the sna will attack them, you should have given habar gidir a base near bosaso

@Samaalic Era what you think about that.
Sacad already agreed with Qoorqoor and Xaaf has stepped down, We all support Qoorqoor and Sacad SNA that has been trained abroad are going to be deployed in Mudug along with Sacad troops already there.

Puntland will never give Sacad a base in their land and risk Sacad using that as a launch pad into Puntland.

This is fake news. HG will not fight but are now finally united


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Sacad already agreed with Qoorqoor and Xaaf has stepped down, We all support Qoorqoor and Sacad SNA that has been trained abroad are going to be deployed in Mudug along with Sacad troops already there.

Puntland will never give Sacad a base in their land and risk Sacad using that as a launch pad into Puntland.

This is fake news. HG will not fight but are now finally united
Iam trying to free u and this how u reply to me
Sacad already agreed with Qoorqoor and Xaaf has stepped down, We all support Qoorqoor and Sacad SNA that has been trained abroad are going to be deployed in Mudug along with Sacad troops already there.

Puntland will never give Sacad a base in their land and risk Sacad using that as a launch pad into Puntland.

This is fake news. HG will not fight but are now finally united

adeer why wont you humor me

Sacad already agreed with Qoorqoor and Xaaf has stepped down, We all support Qoorqoor and Sacad SNA that has been trained abroad are going to be deployed in Mudug along with Sacad troops already there.

Puntland will never give Sacad a base in their land and risk Sacad using that as a launch pad into Puntland.

This is fake news. HG will not fight but are now finally united
sacads are flipfloppers there is and will never be a launchpad into PL lol

Samaalic Era

sacads are flipfloppers there is and will never be a launchpad into PL lol
We arent flipfloppers.Give some Rogue Sacad a base and they will attack you. I have immediate family there and no such news of the fake story. Sacad all know their true enemies and that is MJ and MX
We arent flipfloppers.Give some Rogue Sacad a base and they will attack you. I have immediate family there and no such news of the fake story. Sacad all know their true enemies and that is MJ and MX
actually you are since some sacad are still roaming mudug not registered and saying the gov has not talked with them etc its still very much lawless with some backing xaaf still. yeah failmaajo is ur enemy that used Ethiopians on you.

Samaalic Era

actually you are since some sacad are still roaming mudug not registered and saying the gov has not talked with them etc its still very much lawless with some backing xaaf still. yeah failmaajo is ur enemy that used Ethiopians on you.
Im talking about Waghardac, Reer Diini maba is aragno.

Sacad all support this new administration and no is interested in internal strife as you xaasiidiin want:camby:
Im talking about Waghardac, Reer Diini maba is aragno.

Sacad all support this new administration and no is interested in internal strife as you xaasiidiin want:camby:
This is a developing story let's wait sxb, I support ASWJ to bring back and unite galmudug having stable galmudug is good for PL not the other way around. If they can't kick out the gareen in galgaduud it will be a waste though...


Heemo is our Sufi headquarters. :ohdamn:

If this news was from our main news sites I would’ve believed it but it’s from Khaatumo.:susp::drakekidding:


It is no secret Puntland use to support the Sufis during Abdiweli days to keep Galmudug weak. It is politics end of the day.

