This is quite interesting to watch
Some powerful suggestions there regarding quality education in Australia what they do is they speak to the 'industries' your 'economy' relies on and asks what sort of 'quality assurance' do you require or education quality to be achieved before you hire them, because these students need to be prepared to be the 'labor supply' of the economy and with-out industry input you may be producing students who will be overlooked for employment.
In short, you need to 'please' the people with money what sort of 'education quality' do you require from our people and have them 'quality assure' it. It's called 'industry certified' curriculum.
It's paramount to keep industry in the loop, they are the employer and it's pointless overlooking them or else the locals will get no jobs. Remember business people will not give away free money, these local workers need to come with skills if they want money or else waxaa sugayo '2 dollar' a day
Some powerful suggestions there regarding quality education in Australia what they do is they speak to the 'industries' your 'economy' relies on and asks what sort of 'quality assurance' do you require or education quality to be achieved before you hire them, because these students need to be prepared to be the 'labor supply' of the economy and with-out industry input you may be producing students who will be overlooked for employment.
In short, you need to 'please' the people with money what sort of 'education quality' do you require from our people and have them 'quality assure' it. It's called 'industry certified' curriculum.
It's paramount to keep industry in the loop, they are the employer and it's pointless overlooking them or else the locals will get no jobs. Remember business people will not give away free money, these local workers need to come with skills if they want money or else waxaa sugayo '2 dollar' a day