Puntland Education Review


This is quite interesting to watch

Some powerful suggestions there regarding quality education in Australia what they do is they speak to the 'industries' your 'economy' relies on and asks what sort of 'quality assurance' do you require or education quality to be achieved before you hire them, because these students need to be prepared to be the 'labor supply' of the economy and with-out industry input you may be producing students who will be overlooked for employment.

In short, you need to 'please' the people with money what sort of 'education quality' do you require from our people and have them 'quality assure' it. It's called 'industry certified' curriculum.

It's paramount to keep industry in the loop, they are the employer and it's pointless overlooking them or else the locals will get no jobs. Remember business people will not give away free money, these local workers need to come with skills if they want money or else waxaa sugayo '2 dollar' a day


I am not happy with the 'sheikh' commenting on education, this is secular education, stay out of it waryaa and talk about 'madrassa' and mosque. Where is the defining line between religion and state, it surely exists with the Isimo and state why not these guys who are not even that powerful haday runta timado we all 'tribal' not religious so their trying to create a 'status' in the society for themselves?

Stop dropping islamist shit into our education curriculum like the saudi taught u with wahabiya their agenda is to hurt your locals from employment and to ensure terrorists are born and they keep their oil market for themselves with no competitor.

Sheikha needs to know his role is the mosque not the state or any secular matter. The only one who should be consulted is 'industries about employees akhlaq' not a sheikh aduunka dont care about islamic akhlaaq ma jogno aduun diin la kala jecel yahay that is private matter ma aha inu yimado meel fagaare ah, he isn't paying them is he? Pls bring back ayan hersi she is the true one who can help u fit into the world, the sheikh is brain washed by saudis in the 60s who had an agenda


I never succeeded in Australia thru islamic akhlaq, they won't pay you because of your 'diin iyo akhlaq iyo hijab' you get paid for 'aqoontada, attitude, stoic and never give up attitude' waxasi oo kale bara and how to set goals and achieve it. They need secular education that is industry prepared not 'sheikh and akhlaq' look at all those Somalis who have akhlaaq in West they live in 'ghettos' ma fahmin aduunka la joggo manta waa 'dan la kala badeshto' maba la soo hadal qaado political affiliation or religion but pure financial value plus never ever lama galo dadka private matterkooda diintooda familykooda iyo siyasada ama waxay isku badelmaysa dagaal, waxaa loo jogga badbaado iyo horumar iyo qof walbo dadkisa waxaa u reebo, looma fadhiyo in aan diin ku baro, we all know god, its not trademark


You need an economist like Dr Ali Isse sitting here who will be critical to identify the economy and the future economy and the skills needed locally and bring those industries to certify our curriculum not the UN not a SHEIKH. Your economy decides the education facilities needed to support it, so you need to decide what sort of economy u have now and the different sectors and what skills they need as 'basic minimum' be it locally, diaspora, or foreign or hayads. Singapore schooling would be useful to study as they prepared their locals properly
You need an economist like Dr Ali Isse sitting here who will be critical to identify the economy and the future economy and the skills needed locally and bring those industries to certify our curriculum not the UN not a SHEIKH
Warya Dr Osman self education is the best way


Warya Dr Osman self education is the best way

I agree self education is best but realistically the market has 'requirements' u need to find out what they are, there is no point defining what it is when they defined themselves.


Warya Dr Osman self education is the best way

The thing we need to know from Dr Ali Abdi Issa is his 'results' in the nations he operated and if they have changed economically and what obstacles he encountered against his economic vision, sometimes they have good vision but there is to many obstacles locally(political, corruption, etc) so just because he didn't leave anything behind doesn't mean his vision was bad.


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