I watched it all. Apparently they are going to do a pilot project first on a few districts at local level before scaling out to region-wide. Does anyone support Democracy? Besides copying or imitating the Europe and America, is there any real legitimate reason you support this type of governance? I personally hate it. My reasons are below.
1. 4 years isn't enough time to build a nation
2. Time is wasted on arguments and voting
3. Population isn't Idealogical at all, it's not even their mind-set
4. Population isn't financially independent so it's difficult they think independently
5. Population isn't educated so the chances their idealogical is nil
6. Every position in the world in leadership have to pass interviews, tests, have CV not argue people 'voted' for me. Can you imagine doctors, scientists arguing their elected to their job? I prefer a panel of excellence selecting our leaders of educated people then millions of idiots.
Anyways why didn't PL do democracy way before any-ways? I can understand 98-2009 period we were heavily involved in estabilishing the Federal government in Mogadishu, setting a nation state, recovering our United Nation membership role. But once Farole came it should've been done by then.
Why did Farole government fail to achieve it? I heard it wasn't done properly Farole Democratic Agenda and it was rushed and not agreed on. Ok that is one fail. Why did Gaas not do it then? There is no excuse for Gaas to skip it.
Finally as puntites what type of democracy are you even looking for? Parliamentarian system of UK/Australia where people vote for 'members of parliament' at their district level based on parties. So in your district you could have 5 parties and 5 candidates and who-ever scores the highest in that district gets that district seat in Parliament.
The funny thing is how we going to agree on 'districts'? population? there is no way the current way districts are done are going to be a model that gives anyone confidence to respect the election outcomes. The biggest part of legitimatcy in election is how you carve your districts, villages, towns and the rule you use to determine how many seats they get. The rule must be 'consistent' meaning applied to all equally not to just some and others another rule.