Puntland Democracy Problematic Pitfalls


As many people are aware by now. I am 'staunch' Monarchist and believe a monarchy is needed as an 'independent historical institution' outside and above the government and it's powers defined in the constitution. I don't think it is wise to have the president name politicians into every institution, we are 'vesting' way to much power into our government and a delegation of power is needed.

I think a Grand Isim Monarchy is needed for 'ceremonial' roles but also 'powerful' roles such as 'dissolving the govt' in the event of a 'national disaster' and also officially 'signing' off which 'party' wins each election so there is no room for 'parties to cause trouble'.

Having a respectable 'Monarchy' with 'true historical' roots and trust from the people is exactly what we need when the govt is in trouble or there is unforeseen instability either internally or externally. But my topic will focus mainly on now 'party politics'. I doubt many will heed my warnings and what I present here will happen in the future.

We need in Puntland a party based on 'idealogy or philosophy'. A government is run on 'idealogies or philosophy' not on the 'whims' of random elected leaders. We need political stability also, where investors know Puntland political parties are here for 'long-term and not changing everytime' and is all based on 'idealogies' not 'ppl's random opinion'.

A party must have a philosophy around 'social, infrastructure, economic, security, government, taxation, education, health' as a bare minimum. These need to be set out into programs and not only that they need to hold the course for decades not switch and start a new party every 4 years, by doing that this only sends 'red flags' that your state is based on 'populism' and is dependent on flawed 'humans' and not based on any 'ideas' and I guarantee u that we will remain in the same situation.

When a state is based on 'person' this is very 'flawed system' because that person is tied down with 'personal interests' and your whole people are going to be tied down with him. This is an unpredictable and politically unstable state that can change on a 'whim' because it's linked to 'people' not 'ideas' at all. Ideas remain 'fixed n firm' not 'kastumo changing' only 'ppl r subject to change'. We don't need that in Puntland.

Abbenimo doesn't work, if it did, take a 'look' at Gedo as 'evidence' why we don't want 'populists'. Populists are the worst type of governments. In closing, PL needs 'parties built on idealogy' that is repeatable across many leaders so we show we are politically stable and not hostage to 'madax ka nool' systems.
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