Puntite Warlord Generation Advice To Habar Gedir


Dear To all the Habar Gedir,

This is advice from Dr Osman at a personal level. I am trying to provide advice to you so your clan actually reforms and wins not lose. My father tried that with his good friend Abdi-Qaybdiid and General Caare when I was in Somalia in 1999 as a child. My father has updated me what his advice to them was, to start a new chapter(cajalada badelo) and be remembered for some national good.

He pointed to Siyad Barre how he did good and bad and how the nation at each clan level, you will find 50/50 support. The HG elite refused his genuine advice. He then lost hope in them after they rejected Abdiqasim Salat govt and this triggered him to turn towards his region of Puntland in the hope they rescue themselves and then rescue Somalia thru their 'example' not 'empty words'.

I myself didn't lose confidence in Habar gedir till they rejected Abdillahi Yusuf(ICU) and Sheikh Sharif govt(opened up shabab front). That was the final nail in the coffin for me that it doesn't matter who runs Somalia, that you guys will oppose them on top of that note the advice my father gave to his friends hasn't resonated with the HG generation(kids of kacaan era).

Now I Hope to speak to my generation of the Habar Gedir, the warlord generation and first diaspora of the west.

Somalia Modern state at this stage has 4 Key generations.

1. Independence Era
2. Kacaan Era Generation
3. Warlord Generation
4. Terrorist Era

Your clan is fully responsible for beginning the clan warlord and terrorist generation locally. My advice to your clan is to detach yourself from politics completely if you fail to change HG narrative that leaves behind some positive so at least some will then argue for them and some against. I mean why you think I support Abdillahi Yusuf, do you think I do so due to clan, If I was to support people based on clan I would support Jama Ali Jama or Ina Sharmarke.

No my support for Abdillahi was how determined he was to write a new chapter for himself at all cost and loss to Puntland(returning sacad, agreeing to 4.5). Did he leave behind negatives of course he did which are still felt today(violent rebellion on elected govt), or if you take hawiye complaint he brought in Ethio soldiers(not true geedi did, meles and them have relatives) but even if he was part of it, their will always be half the nation honoring him for leaving behind the SFG in villa Somalia and putting Somalia on the map and allowing for successive govt to carry on from.

He will always have supporters who cheer and boo, why? He wrote a new chapter that all Somalis benefited from, end of story. If your clan refuses to follow in my father or abdillahi yusuf wisdom, my advice is you sit out of politics, you won't add anything productive anyways.

I mean do you want me to ignore these facts about your clan history post 91?

1. Fighting directly with dir, mx, mj, leelkase, hawiye, hawadle, rahanwayn, even dhulos thru fiqishini
2. Green lines where-ever your clan exists with another clan
3. Turning a Rebel movement against Siyad into Clan Warlordism
4. Beginning the terror era thru ICU and Shabab
5. In-directly causing the civil war in PL thru your backing of Jama Ali Jama
6. In-directly causing the civil war in SL thru aideed backing of Abdirahman Tuur

I urge HG this is no longer about petty clan competition or FKD, Somalia future is on the line when the Kacan Generation die out who have institutional memory, the warlord generation will take over who have NO memory of it and if their is any 'national conscious' in that cesspool of a heart of yours, you will know that they will enter extinction plus our western born generation in the diaspora are totally detached and see nothing but FAILURE.

Yours Dearly,
Dr Osman aka Af-Naareed
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Puntites have suffered enough Losses in this Somali project not benefits as your clan thinks as you blind yourself to these facts.

1. 1930-1991 they neglected their region to build Mogadishu. Their somalinimo has 'action' backing it not 'empty' words and diseased hearts like yours. All they got back is looting.

2. PL didn't participate in the civil war and remained in a reactionary defensive posture not even 'prevention defense posture' which would've been wiser.

3. PL civilians have suffered clan massacres by govt or clans post 91

4. PL ppl resurrected themselves not to HATE Somalis like Somaliland but to help them recover thru the SFG. They put up their limited funds, soldiers, and human capital into Somalia recovering it's statehood. They left behind the constitution and ended the transition.

What have they got in return?

1. Clan hatred, conflict, looting, political and international aid isolation not even a damn water well from Mogadishu.

My generation the warlord generation and 1st western born generation are fed up with it, we don't believe the past route is beneficial nor returning any positive results.

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