pseudo Somali archaeologist claim that ancient Punt was SL and her people were Galla


Forza Somalia!
He claims that Somalis have ancient Sumerian words and Punt culture was imported from Sumeria, much like the "We WAZ Egyptians and shiit".

Most of his tweets are begging

Is this a new phenomenon?


i do it anyway i like
i mean he's not wrong, in the punt era there was no such as somali it was only cushitic so he's not completely wrong, it's cringe how somalis claim punt to themselves


Forza Somalia!
i mean he's not wrong, in the punt era there was no such as somali it was only cushitic so he's not completely wrong, it's cringe how somalis claim punt to themselves
So claiming that punt is wrong since there wasn't somali back then but calling it galla is ok, never to mention that he is claiming something baseless "in my opinion" that punt was culturally Sumerian


i do it anyway i like
So claiming that punt is wrong since there wasn't somali back then but calling it galla is ok, never to mention that he is claiming something baseless "in my opinion" that punt was culturally Sumerian
am saying claim punt to be only somalis is wrong and he's wrong too for claiming it to be only galla, i think all cushitic can claim punt, what sumarians? we can agree to disagree

