Property of Farmajoo supporters should be seized and given to the martyrs

Farmajoo has given us the opportunity to create Benedir state that will include Lower Shebelle. He has opened our eyes. Rewarded our kindness with hate and murder.

Since we have made our gains by the gun than no agreement is binding to us. The international community has closed their eyes to our suffering. Gone is the parasitic idea of Somaliweyn. Mogadishu belongs to its people, so does its wealth and opportunities.

I hail from Galmudug and I stand with my brothers and sisters from Benedir. I vow to share their pain and hardship to overcome Farmajoo. We will be victorious and we already are winners. Free from this horrible Gedo racist and his Gedo supporters who are intent on wiping us out from the face of this earth. Free from his plots, murders, lies, tricks and Al-shabab explosion massacres. Notice nobody has died since we liberated the capital Mogadishu. Therefore thanks to God our situation has much improved.

The rat Farmajoo is caged up in the presidential compound. We have him surrounded him in all corners. The rat despite having abundant ammunition, military vehicles and a notable Merehan militia doesn't have the heart to fight us. The rat employs tricks to get himself out using the likes such as Roble.

He has no money and is isolated from the rest of the world. His own Haramcad forces have started to desert him and more are expected. Whilst we have the money, men and the will of the people. The rat is outfoxed, out gunned and out maneuvered.

Do you see now how silent the langaabs have become in social media. Nobody is laughing at Hawiye anymore. None can now dare show support for Farmajoo in our ranks.
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