Pre Islamic religion of the somalis

Hello guys.
I have been wondering about the pre Islamic religion of the Somali people. What was our religion before Islam?
Another thing I've been think about is how did Islam reach Somalia.. We know some of the first sahaba (companions of the prophet) immigrated to the kingdom of Axum. Was todays Somalia part of this kingdom? If Somalia was part of the kingdom of Axum then it makes perfect sense how we became muslims.
On a serious note.. We don't know much about our history or the origins of our culture.. It could be very interesting to investigate this subject and clarify how we became muslims.


There have been links to the Sabean as well as the Himyarite kingdom with Somalia. Ancient Somalia was also linked to Punt, Azania and Macrobia.

I find it interesting we have words like Baal in some of our phrases. For example "hobee hoo baalayow". Or that we have very semitic names like Isa, Yaqub, Kaahin etc in our clan structure. Even the Arabs don't usually have these names.

"As a Semitic common noun baal (Hebrew baʿal) meant “owner” or “lord,” although it could be used more generally; for example, a baal of wings was a winged creature, and, in the plural, baalim of arrows indicated archers"

Samaalic Era

Hello guys.
I have been wondering about the pre Islamic religion of the Somali people. What was our religion before Islam?
Another thing I've been think about is how did Islam reach Somalia.. We know some of the first sahaba (companions of the prophet) immigrated to the kingdom of Axum. Was todays Somalia part of this kingdom? If Somalia was part of the kingdom of Axum then it makes perfect sense how we became muslims.
Noahic Monetheism. We inherited the deen from Nuh pbuh to Ham and to Cush.

The link between Samaale and Cush is a man named Xashi, a distant ancestor of Samaale. According to a my own theory, Xashi is in fact the Son of Sabtaaceh son of Cush Although some Samaale left Tawheed such rendile from Beesha Maqare Samaale.

@Wiilyam Ina Sheekh Zubeer @pablo @Darwiish97 @Cam

Lord of Warshiekh

Friend of a Selected few, The Rt.Hon.
Hello guys.
I have been wondering about the pre Islamic religion of the Somali people. What was our religion before Islam?
Another thing I've been think about is how did Islam reach Somalia.. We know some of the first sahaba (companions of the prophet) immigrated to the kingdom of Axum. Was todays Somalia part of this kingdom? If Somalia was part of the kingdom of Axum then it makes perfect sense how we became muslims.
Waaqism was the pre islamic religion. It was monotheistic with a head sky god called waaq

land owner

Welcome to the yaab zone
I feel like we always believed in a monotheistic belief even before we converted to Islam or any other abrahamic religion
Noahic Monetheism. We inherited the deen from Nuh pbuh to Ham and to Cush.

The link between Samaale and Cush is a man named Xashi, a distant ancestor of Samaale. According to a my own theory, Xashi is in fact the Son of Sabtaaceh son of Cush Although some Samaale left Tawheed such rendile from Beesha Maqare Samaale.

@Wiilyam Ina Sheekh Zubeer @pablo @Darwiish97 @Cam
The primitive worship of the Ethiopians (Cushites) was pure. They worshipped one supreme being. Their rulers were priest-kings and at death were deified.

One God at first, but eventually it became shirk. That is why we have names like Isir (Ancient Egyptian goddess- Isis), Awsar (Osiris) etc. These are ancient Hamitic gods/goddesses.

The Ancient Egyptians even said they're from the land of Punt even their religion came from there.


Caafimaad baby
On a serious note.. We don't know much about our history or the origins of our culture.. It could be very interesting to investigate this subject and clarify how we became muslims.
That is the reason why I wanna become an archaeologist.To uncover the mystery behind our people's past and Inshallah Allah will will provide me with the opportunities to do it


Caafimaad baby
Noahic Monetheism. We inherited the deen from Nuh pbuh to Ham and to Cush.

The link between Samaale and Cush is a man named Xashi, a distant ancestor of Samaale. According to a my own theory, Xashi is in fact the Son of Sabtaaceh son of Cush Although some Samaale left Tawheed such rendile from Beesha Maqare Samaale.

@Wiilyam Ina Sheekh Zubeer @pablo @Darwiish97 @Cam
What about Punt son of Noah?
It would be interesting if Somalis descended from him instead of Cush


Caafimaad baby
I feel like we always believed in a monotheistic belief even before we converted to Islam or any other abrahamic religion
Yeah.I think that's the reason why Somalis converted to Islam so easily without needing to be conqoured like NorthAfrica and Persia.

The basic principals most likely resonated with the basic teachings of Islam.

Samaalic Era

Osiris was said to be Mizraim ibn Ham who is the father of Egyptians. The Greeks repackaged him and named him Zeus.

According to sir Isaac Newton ,Cush was renamed to Hercules by the Greeks. I already knew he was a "Hamite" since the real Hercules was from Africa but this is shocking wallahi,+Nature,+and+Influence+of+Isaac+Newton’s+Theology&source=bl&ots=oe1RdeP8pY&sig=ACfU3U0UEkARzKM-hQStQIMjCVqwcm-mrA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiEu-aLu6bmAhWozlkKHZL9D0sQ6AEwB3oECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=osiris&f=false

Ileen the Greeks waa tuugo
Damn, this is serious leaks, the greeks will do all they can to hide this:damn:


Messengers were sent to every nation and ppl in the past so their religion was at one point all the same religion and that of adam's. Only after that did some of them start killing their messengers and they began worshipping stone and idols.


