post post 911 world

after the post 911 world where we saw the massive militarization of the western
world and adoption of right wing illiberal policies and politics in the domestic fronts.
what do you think is going to be their new model of politics both foreign and domestic
and what will the new global order look like. personally i think that the western nations
and their world wide allies will adopt a far more ambitious liberal order both foreign
and domestic with steps like far reaching and sometimes sweeping reforms of their
economic policies to reflect a more humane and inclusive agenda both socially, environmentally
and economically and on the foreign front a more aggressive but next to zero military advocacy for democratic
values and environmental(climate) reform rewarding good policies with great developmental assistance
and punishing renegade regimes with the mainly economic tools of sanctions and political isolation.
globally their will be a new divide of mainly newly formed islamic emirates and one major state (saudi)
and a loose alliance with the chinese and russians on one side and the west with their allies on the other.
i dont envision a violent clash between this two sides but a kind of anew cold war based along the lines of the
old cold war between the west and communism. the islamic ,chinese russia alliance will be painted as the new
illiberal order of this era

