Positive things that happened to you in the decade.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
In this decade

Positive things

I’ve graduated from high school
Graduated from college
Went to a Europe tour
Lived by myself
Lived with a roommate
Bought a condo
Met couple of cool people
Learned things about myself
Went to Africa
Went to Costa Rica to build houses for the poor



LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake


"You are your best thing"
1. Got my first car/license
2. Finished high school/University
3. Met my wonderful husband
4. Checked off 11 countries from my list
5. Welcomed my 5 nephews and 4 nieces to the world
6. Finished the Quran
7. Met my aunt/uncle for the first time
8. My Somali skills improved
9. Took a chance on a friend’s business that paid off
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King Of NSFW
Beat my meat alot
Graduated high school
Got a job
Moved out my hooyos crib
Beat my meat alot
Smoked alot
Popped pills
Beat my meat alot