I think it's time we lead Somalia out of the DARK AGES and into borrowing/lending in order to create a middle-class who turns into business owners or employees, rather then accept the status quo of charities, remittances, and western govts financially supporting our goverrnments. I refuse any clan who is not a PIONEER like Marehan or Ali Saleban to join this, only pioneer type clans who begin a new ERA in Somalia not stick to the OLD ERA of begging bowl.
We must accept RIBA isn't haram, we are eating it today. That NGO money funding your state or those western governments who fund your government, ask them how they got they're money. They inherited it from they're taxpayers who were business owners who went to the bank to get a loan and start a small business.
They donated some of they're riba money into charities which is how your NGO source money from people who have MONEY, your govt relies on the taxpayers of WESTERN WORLD to pay your govt workers and military lol. How did the western world recieves these taxation without banks giving they're people loans to start businesses and pay taxes after they become rich. War sxb manta adigo faqri ah ayaa ku nool rice bag oo riba lagu keenay lol or NGO money or diaspora money. Even Somali workers in the west are under RIBAH, all those businesses you work for started they're business in RIBA and you take your salary with no problem.
Who wants to join me in this new pioneering age and era of Somalia to say, aduunka dhan manta waa RIBA, and exercise the quranic verse which tells us nothing is haram in the world if starvation is near. Lets make Somalia officially banking state that performs borrowin and lending, koley awalba ribah waaba cuni lahayd thru sadaqo ka imanayo wadamo gaalo ah oo wadamadooda dhan ayaa riba ku shaqayo.
The origin of RIBAH is jewish, they designed the world economy so they can make other nations poor who refuse to partake in ribah but even if you refuse to partake you will still partake thru the charities and ngos and western donors who fund your society thru infrastructure, give you rice bags and medications and they also pay your minister wages and your security forces wages.Well that is Somalia. PL is a little better in that respect and survives off it's port revenues. Lets enter the age of RIBAH SOMALIA. I will be the first Osman Mahmoud pioneer to open up a bank in PL that specializes in borrowing and lending and interest rates.
We must accept RIBA isn't haram, we are eating it today. That NGO money funding your state or those western governments who fund your government, ask them how they got they're money. They inherited it from they're taxpayers who were business owners who went to the bank to get a loan and start a small business.
They donated some of they're riba money into charities which is how your NGO source money from people who have MONEY, your govt relies on the taxpayers of WESTERN WORLD to pay your govt workers and military lol. How did the western world recieves these taxation without banks giving they're people loans to start businesses and pay taxes after they become rich. War sxb manta adigo faqri ah ayaa ku nool rice bag oo riba lagu keenay lol or NGO money or diaspora money. Even Somali workers in the west are under RIBAH, all those businesses you work for started they're business in RIBA and you take your salary with no problem.
Who wants to join me in this new pioneering age and era of Somalia to say, aduunka dhan manta waa RIBA, and exercise the quranic verse which tells us nothing is haram in the world if starvation is near. Lets make Somalia officially banking state that performs borrowin and lending, koley awalba ribah waaba cuni lahayd thru sadaqo ka imanayo wadamo gaalo ah oo wadamadooda dhan ayaa riba ku shaqayo.
The origin of RIBAH is jewish, they designed the world economy so they can make other nations poor who refuse to partake in ribah but even if you refuse to partake you will still partake thru the charities and ngos and western donors who fund your society thru infrastructure, give you rice bags and medications and they also pay your minister wages and your security forces wages.Well that is Somalia. PL is a little better in that respect and survives off it's port revenues. Lets enter the age of RIBAH SOMALIA. I will be the first Osman Mahmoud pioneer to open up a bank in PL that specializes in borrowing and lending and interest rates.