Pharoahnic Egypt Was Hamitic


I find it funny why the west tries to separate ancient Egypt early period from other African civilizations. The wall paintings and ancient pharoahnic language is most closely related to hamitic tongues. Infact I argue hamitic tongues are sister tongues that can decode ancient egyptian language. Even the Bible says ancient Egypt is related to other sons of ham. Early greek explorers made it clear their hamitic also.

It was early Greeks who didn't attribute their knowledge sources to ancient Egypt. They literally did a bililiqo unlike the west who actually source their knowledge to Latin and Greek foundings. Even Europe's greatest man Alexander the great wanted to be buried in Egypt not Europe. I also argue the ppl of Saba sheebah are also hamitic not Semitic. Sab means feast in Somali and sabti was the day of the feast Saturday which Jewish copied as sabbath honouring Saba queen who blessed their Jewish temple during Solomon times. Africa has lots of history but it's always being defaced or denied. The Sahel were the great moors who the Europeans thought were mystical beings due to their libraries in Timbuktu. Kush in Sudan and land of Punt is as old as ancient Egypt. Ethiopia is very old also. Their could be great Zimbabwe.

Why does the west feel threatened by black history it has always stunned me? Infact imagine their shock when it was found out the purest homosapien DNA is in Africa and infact sub human neaderthak DNA is located outside of Africa showing the black people made them human while they were in neaderthal caves. If this was reversed the whites would start a huge blacks are sub human DNA proves it movement yet blacks don't seem to care to prove themselves to whites.


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