Oromo And Southern Somalia

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I am telling you these people are definitely linked. Notice how HG creates 'xad cagaaran' they did it in dhusomareeb, galkacyo, and even 'mogadishu' in the 90s. Intas ma ogoshin in 'green line' culture follows this tribe where-ever they go? Oromo does the same. He creates green line in dire dawa, there is a bridge I remember where they even tell you, that's not our people area and they stop right there and say 'xafada cisa'. This culture of green line is definitely oromo in nature because somali way is dhexgalan. Look at erigavo. Look at Bosaso. Look at kismayo. Every city oo somali ah way is dhexgashay laga reebo meeshu joggo 'habar gedir'. Xitaa meeshasi ay degan yihin duduble el-buur 'green l ine b a taala'. Wa war cad qeero inay soo dirsadeen nimanki in la kala amin bixiyo oo lagu kala jebiyo oo ay samayan 'green line' si ay oromadu saxibadooda uu gartan markay somalia yimadan.

Let somali maxamed have a great conference to remove habar gedir from somalia. Till then we will be where we are another 50 years waanu ku kala fogaanayna hadi aan ninkani layska gaban.

Exactly identical as 'qeero' culture. It's time somalis agree on something rather then disagree constantly. Maku heeshin karna keliya odaygani habar gedir? He doesn't kill oromo sxb, not one war with oromo ma jiro tarikhdisa wuu yahay dee oromo muxu uu dila. Lakin qof kasto oo somali ah wuu dila.

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We as Somalis our hall-mark is to fight and disagree but can we agree on at least a certain few things? That's what you call 'xeer somaliyeed' wayna dhici jirtay weligeed. Ninkani Dahir Alasow iyo beeshisa maku heeshin karna keliya hadan somali maxamed nahay? He is 'jambalka' oromo ee koonfurta somalia lagu kala foganayo ma aha beelaha kale, isma dilane. Sacad muse waa jambalka kale ee dhinaca hargeisa ay oromo aad iyo aad uu adeegsadan kala jebinta somaliyeed.

2da jabhadood usc iyo snm waxay ahayeen waad taqanin. Xuman somaliyeed waxana ku farxo keliya waa oromo dee. Mid waa xasuuq somaliyeed(usc), mid kalena kala goyn somaliyeed iyo xasuuq. Marka intasi keliya miyanu isku heeshin karna beelaha somaliyeed oo dhabta ah mise jambalki ay noo dhigeen baad 'aminsan' tihin oo xiilinaysan? 30 sano hadaysan idin deeqin reerahani waa reeraha ugu necebka somalida maxaa keenayo necebkooda ana garanaye waa QEERO NOO SOO GALAY
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My father said Somali dhabta ah waa kuwa 'gabayada' sayidka ku jirane, hadusan ku xusin magacaga wuxu idin arki jirey 'qeero' ama 'oromo' dee, mana soo hadal qaadi jirin waa 'gaalo' isku xeer somaliyeed manahin ma garatay? my father is adamant somali way heeshin karta siday isku dhexgaleen meel kasto iyo magaalo kasto laga reebo habar gedir iyo meeshu joggo.

He said somali d han ba soo noqonayso marki habar gedir dalkani laga waayo. Till then rabshadu waa halkeedi. It's true all somalis are at peace and living together in cities except this little DULI dahir alasow and sacad muse 'green line' qeero oromo culture. Sacad muse iyo habar gedir hadi dhulkasi oromada la geeyo oo la qixiyo, that's it abahay buu yirahda, somali way heeshisay, inta kale waa isdhex gala dee.

I wish to see deportation buses oo dawlada somaliyeed qurbinayso habar gedir iyo sacad muse, i would volunteer for free, freeing somali from the people who divide us and make us hate each other when we don't and get along just fine when they are not around. I would be so happy to be dropping them off in the heart of QEERO and saying 'waa ka jambalkina' NICE TRY QEERO



He comes wearing 'shar oday' kkkkkk we know it's qeero tho, they do the same oromadu sxb, shati kala duwan bay soo xirtane. Abdillahi yusuf always said 'shatigee' bay soo xiranayan beeshani beri.


They come in suits also, oromo culture.


They come as 'wadaads' kkkkk


Come on Somalis, let's just agree on this clan at least


Sanaag is a viable capital if somalia becomes 'centralized'. If they want a central government hawiye, puntland will only accept a centralized government from a capital city that is trustworthy and respected. We will do a tanasul for erigavo as somalia capital lakin illa hamar ay casimad tahay kama tanasulayno federalism. Hawiye is just wasting time trying to centralize to mogadishu, lagama yeelayo. Hadi centralism dacad ka yihin hala yimadan qorsho somaliyeed ama puntland ha baadi goobta halka noqon karto casimada somalia oo centralized government ah.

Maba laga hadlin weli casimada somalia iyo mustaqbalkisa. We agreed mogadishu is a federal capital only, but if they centralize and don't stop this centralism, we will talk about a new capital city, waxana lagu gaban doono shirkasi ERIGAVO without a doubt.

Hawiye must stop playing games, even if centralism was to happen it wont happen in bombadishu, mana ahaa meel somali kalsooni siin karto oo tarikh xumi ka dhacday. Erigavo is the only candidate somali ku heeshin karto. See that's when your talking about xal somaliyeed, if you go to erigavo u need to talk to them about something somali guud not your tribal ambitions and stuff like majertenia sultanadisa iyo xaduudahisa iyo treatyga majertenia iyo talyani way naga burburtay waan soo yagyeelaya igu taageera.

If we agree with mogadishu as the capital. It's status will be federal capital and it's duties very sybomolic and weak similar to ethiopia president who just cut ribbons and has no power. If we want a strong one somalia government oo ay somali dhab ka tahay, the only place that can happen is ERIGAVO wa hadi run laysu sheegayo.
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Do u honestly think the elders of erigavo would sit back like hawiye elders watching their people loot, rape, kill people and watch their city with darod bodies everywhere? hadee meel dhaqan iyo suldano leh sxb waxasi ma yeelayan. Dawlad siyad wuxu ahaa dawlad dee, odayashi qabiladooda gacanta kuma jirin, only 91 after bay gacanta ku dhigeen. Hawiye elders just watched the darod genocide and said nothing, we must never ever allow that city to become a strong government wa hadi dad nool yihin weli waqtiga oo og waxaa halkasi ka dhacay.

That's why father is adamant about keeping your sumcadina beel ahan sxb because tommorow you will be the loser and mogadishu will be the loser now in the future somalia because of what happened. He doesn't blame abgaal tho, he said they tried sxb to stop it their leaders and elders and ali mahdi even fought them but it's to late now the damage is done. What we need to talk about is where another capital can give all somalis confidence.

It's either bosaso or erigavo oo aan dhiig badani ku daadan oo kala amin bax wayn jirin oo suldano tarikhi leh, bosaso probably won't get it cause it's mainly one tribe not due to it's sumcad wa sumcad dheer yihin lakin somalda ma yeelayso meel hal beel ku badan tahay


Niggas intoxicated with this shit.

Waryee @DR OSMAN niyoo orod seexo

I am intoxicated with it because we need to be real with each other not play games. Dadki hore way joggan and they call elders to give advice from diaspora like my father does with his elder and their will be no peace in somalia, till this isn't acknowledged. Even hassan sheikh acknowledged it

My father watched him because of his TRIBE only and didn't leave that mean he RESPECTS THEM. But he said him hassan sheikh is nothing lama yaqano oo habar gedir dabada ka waato.

He spoke the truth ninkani marku yiri somali way kala amin baxday and its because dadki hore waa joggo oo dibadda joggo like my father who advice their caaqiil who then advice our boqor. They advice about stuff like this I am talking about in the thread about habar gedir and sacad muse.

When we send our politician he will just look ways to 'delay' talks or some jambal because the advice has been given in 'somali weli diyaar ahayne' and it's all happening from the DIASPORA especially dadka hore

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@CangeeroBear even muse bihi knows and said 'majerten talo gabeen bay gaban' he is right, my father advices his 'caaqil' iska daa 'boqorku' oo caaqilo badan uu timado osman mahmud ah oo talo siiyo oo uu dhinac kasto ka eego intanan la jaan goyin talada cusman mahmud.

I hear how deep shit gets between my father and caaqil on the phone every few weeks for goodness sake, especially surrounding 'turbulent' somali politics. People operate in the shadows in somalia are the ones who are the most powerful, ma arkaysid ma raban inay sumcadooda iska ceebeeyan manta oo beri la yirahdo 'soo adigu ki ma ahayn' that's why half of them dont come back to somalia and just give advice to their caaqil who then selects a leader among them to visit the king
Ma hawiye baa yeeli muqdisho caasimada lagabadolo. Xal hadii larabo baad tiri funny. Dr in xal larabin waad ogtahay,mj orod orod iyo iskukab baa maankaga dhaawac wali ku yaal. Hawiya waa hal, hal ka wax ey waligood isu gartenn wa xasuqaa. Xawadle gaaljecl murursade sheikal hg ogdn marexan idoor waa qabiil qur ah. Dastuurka ugu muqaddisanna waa dabar majeerteen. In loo dhaweyo capitalka harti.kkk. waad yar jilboodtay Dr


MURUSADE/SHEIKHAAL WAXASI Wax jiraan ma aha sxb, xeerka abgaal ayay ku jireen to make them understand somali culture and agreements. My father flicks the channel if he sees any of them speak and says the only reason their speaking is because half the true clans are not even in the nation so their is vaccuum for these types of gashin to come out.

HG was on our side we were working on to make somali but he is another gashin lama dhegaysto niyahow waan la kaftana iyo waxasi bees buu yirahda nobody listens their advice, we see their history subhanaka and what they are today even inside themselves they kill each other, way isyaqanan moryaanimadooda. My dad spoke to jama ali jama in jeddah when abdillahi yusuf thing happening and said hana ceebaayn, are u crazy joining ina qasim, and they read all the history to him. That's why osman mahmud all joined abdillahi yusuf.

That's why deni won't win, wuu isceebayay marku damjadid galay. Sheikhaal qurun ah buu yiri and taught him what sheikhaal was in the past, begging ppl to reside places because their muslim and using the islam card thats how weak they are he said. Khalif issa mudan is respected tho even my father said waa gob weeye. He doesnt even go mogadishu sxb khalif, wuu yaqana its disgusting inu sumcadisa iskaga cayaaro manta
MURUSADE/SHEIKHAAL WAXASI Wax jiraan ma aha sxb, xeerka abgaal ayay ku jireen to make them understand somali culture and agreements. My father flicks the channel if he sees any of them speak and says the only reason their speaking is because half the true clans are not even in the nation so their is vaccuum for these types of gashin to come out.

HG was on our side we were working on to make somali but he is another gashin lama dhegaysto niyahow waan la kaftana iyo waxasi bees buu yirahda nobody listens their advice, we see their history subhanaka and what they are today even inside themselves they kill each other, way isyaqanan moryaanimadooda. My dad spoke to jama ali jama in jeddah when abdillahi yusuf thing happening and said hana ceebaayn, are u crazy joining ina qasim, and they read all the history to him. That's why osman mahmud all joined abdillahi yusuf.
Goosasho was the best xal aad latimid. Ha kanoqon yuu nan hadalkaa sicir bararin.
Is la dhalasho hadaad jeedid wa tuu aadanka oo idil isla isir yahay. Sxb dowlad waa doon lagu gooyo wabi dhuuban oo ah 60ka sano ood nooshahay. Why baad dhibaato isugu eegey intaas yar. Diin alla uun baa muqadas ah waxa kale waa hadba sida roon yeenan laangaab jaah wareersan afmaal ah ku sirin.


Is la dhalasho hadaad jeedid wa tuu aadanka oo idil isla isir yahay. Sxb dowlad waa doon lagu gooyo wabi dhuuban oo ah 60ka sano ood nooshahay. Why baad dhibaato isugu eegey intaas yar. Diin alla uun baa muqadas ah waxa kale waa hadba sida roon yeenan laangaab jaah wareersan afmaal ah ku sirin.

Sxb runti abgaal waa dad nadiif ah oo ka yara liiqatay dee marku habar gedir iyo beentisa aminay, my father settled in hamar it was an abgaal who took him and paid for his schooling because of xeer somaliyeed ay yaqanan dee.

Same with jabuti oo aminay irirism iyo waxasi oo weli aminsan runti, at least abgaal badana wayba ka baxan huuhaagasi habar gedir oo mashruc ahaa lagu soo dejiyo dadkooda hamar. Habar gedir mashruc badan buu la yimada sida oromada oo kale weeye oo wejiyo badan isku badelo. Walalaha galgaduud iyo marehan, irir iyo snm(oo weli la aminsan yahay inay jirto), irir iyo jabuti(wala huba tani siiba gheele), al-itihaad iyo wadaado iyaga keenay sxb dahir aways oo manta wejiyo kala duwan uu kala baxay hizbul islam, shabab, maxkamadihi marki la ogaaday habar gedir ba s heekada wadato kkkKKK. Hada hisbiga hassan sheikh bay furteen, odayaal Hawiye action group iyaga keenay, USC Iyo hawiynimo, bisinka walle waa oromo dhab ah. Mashrucyadan kala duwan waxaa keenayso keliya aan osman mahmud ahan aminsan nahay siiba anaga iyo bahdeenu waa dawlad la'antani si jirto oo somalia noqoto soweto oo aysan dadki hore soo noqon oo lacagta laha iyo maskaxdi somaliyeed.

The reason is dadki hore ma raban sumcadooda iska ceebayan oo soweto iyo dawlad la'an iyo bakhti lagu arko, so they stay in diaspora and say when somalia is clean they will return
Sxb gaalkacyo ayaan joogey dagaalka 2015. HG iney liidato waan ogahay. abgaal nadiif ha oron. Nin uurka ka jecel xumaan oo gacmanadiif ah xitaa baa problem. Sacab u tunkaas ayuu dambikooda yahey wax kaleba hadii la iska iloobo.


Sxb gaalkacyo ayaan joogey dagaalka 2015. HG iney liidato waan ogahay. abgaal nadiif ha oron. Nin uurka ka jecel xumaan oo gacmanadiif ah xitaa baa problem. Sacab u tunkaas ayuu dambikooda yahey wax kaleba hadii la iska iloobo.

My dad said dadka nadiifka ah wala yaqan siyasadooda isma badelayso waa hal WEJI mar kasta dee. Lakin markad siyasadada isbadelo sida kastumaha, waxad tahay qof 'qurun iyo bakhti' ku dhex jira which is why HG are not liked and will never be liked in somalia. Waa laga mamnucay sxb dawlada somalia. So we understand HG siyasad malaha laga reebo siyasad kala duwan inay la timado every day, si loo ilaliyo inay somalia soweto si ahaato oo aysan dadki hore ku soo noqon dalka oo ay og yihin inaysan harantasi weligood uu soo noqonaynin.

That explains why they sometimes bring 'odayaal siyasadaysan sida diriye iyo xaad iyo waxasi' xaad bay been uu soo aqriyeen kkkkk. Marna walalaha galgaduud ayay sade uu sheegan kkkk. Marna dahir aways wadaado ayuu ka soo qurbiya dalka in jihad been ah la galo, marna hisbiyo bay hamar ku furtan sida tan hassan sheikh iyo damjadiid kkkk si ay dalka uu si jahwareeriyan, marna irir bay uu sheegan isaaq si dalka la kala goyo oo sumcada somaliyeed la dilo oo ay somali halka ku mashqulane kkkk, marna jabuti bay irir uu sheegtan si ay dalkani uu si ahaato meel moryaaneed.

Don't worry HG iyo ninka raca from puntland waxaa loo arka waxaa dhintay dee oo sumcadi ayuu iska ridday iyo beri beeshu waxba siin mayso, cawe jama ali jama? he is finished sxb, lama arki karo dhib dambe ceebtu beeshu ku ridday. That's why my father isnt returning kkkk ma raban inay noqdan sida jama ali jama oo sumcada iska ridday.
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My dad said dadka nadiifka ah wala yaqan siyasadooda isma badelayso waa hal WEJI mar kasta dee. Lakin markad siyasadada isbadelo sida kastumaha, waxad tahay qof 'qurun iyo bakhti' ku dhex jira which is why HG are not liked and will never be liked in somalia. Waa laga mamnucay sxb dawlada somalia. So we understand HG siyasad malaha laga reebo siyasad kala duwan inay la timado every day, si loo ilaliyo inay somalia soweto si ahaato oo aysan dadki hore ku soo noqon dalka oo ay og yihin inaysan harantasi weligood uu soo noqonaynin.

That explains why they sometimes bring 'odayaal siyasadaysan sida diriye iyo xaad iyo waxasi' xaad bay been uu soo aqriyeen kkkkk. Marna walalaha galgaduud ayay sade uu sheegan kkkk. Marna dahir aways wadaado ayuu ka soo qurbiya dalka in jihad been ah la galo, marna hisbiyo bay hamar ku furtan sida tan hassan sheikh iyo damjadiid kkkk si ay dalka uu si jahwareeriyan, marna irir bay uu sheegan isaaq si dalka la kala goyo oo sumcada somaliyeed la dilo oo ay somali halka ku mashqulane kkkk, marna jabuti bay irir uu sheegtan si ay dalkani uu si ahaato meel moryaaneed.

Don't worry HG iyo ninka raca from puntland waxaa loo arka waxaa dhintay dee oo sumcadi ayuu iska ridday iyo beri beeshu waxba siin mayso, cawe jama ali jama? he is finished sxb, lama arki karo dhib dambe ceebtu beeshu ku ridday
Xeerka kewnadid waa finish. Muqdisho waa finish. Hawiye abgaal iyo abbeer waa finish. Marehan martiille hiraab waa finish. Ogaden illeey dhiigig cab waa finish. Xaalada koonfur waa finish. AL dowlu al xarti waa noolyahay wuna sii noolaadaa.what do you think?


Xeerka kewnadid waa finish. Muqdisho waa finish. Hawiye abgaal iyo abbeer waa finish. Marehan martiille hiraab waa finish. Ogaden illeey dhiigig cab waa finish. Xaalada koonfur waa finish. AL dowlu al xarti waa noolyahay wuna sii noolaadaa.what do you think?

According to what my father told me, irir waa jira dee dhinaca jabuto oo 'rasmi' ah oo aan la qarin at all, lakin wuxu yiri waa laga shaki gaba inu jiro waqoyi iyo habar gedir ama maxaa shabab ka buuxiyay isaaq? waa loo yeeray thru 'irirism' iyo xirir toos ah waa jiray waagi 91 oo aan la qarin.

Marka I am told to be weary and careful of who u hear in somalia from other tribes because my dad says 'markan dhinto' adaa talo siin doonto beesheenu ama ka qayb galaysa so they prepare u while your young sxb.


My father said if u ever see anyone attacking PL, it's always an IRIR based person be it thru wadaad politics ama jabhad ama mashruc kasto la yimadan, lakin mar walbo waa IRIR and you need to know them for what they are. They don't want a somali govt at all and peace because their clans have 'low base' of educated and wealth. He said most 'waloo been sheegay' dhinaca irir ma jirin before 60ka ama gabay somaliyeed laguma maqal.

He said DIR were fooled but are good people, same with abgaal. HG is the main creator and calls allies to join and uses tribal anomosity in your districts to cause trouble, he said if u ever see HG, kick him out weeeye before u become like him which what they become now the people who joined him like marehan look how messed up the clan is now, gob gun noqday weeye hada. Ujeedka keliya ay lee yihin waa taa weeye in beelaha dhulka la dhigo to their level markasna iyagana kor ka soo baxan ileen lama tartarmi kara dad 300 sano wax soo dhisaye.

Saleban ayaa in-yar ugu roon buu yiri inside habar gedir, cayr-sacad-duduble disgusting people and very oromo like and no history, no base, no nothing sxb, their tribes cannot survive in future somalia with tribes that have 300-400 years continous building.
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