Origins of K1a12a?

i recently got my 23andme results and i got 97% Somali and the rest Ethipioan. i was also given my haplogroups which are E-V32 and my maternal one being K1a12a. I've inputted my data into Gedmatch and have got some random results however when i can't seem to find any info on K1A12A, where it began which countries is it seen in the most etc. Even 23andme barely give me any info on my maternal haplogroup. If anyone's got info regarding this i'm all ears.
just went clicked on the link, im not sure if im reading it properly but do the flags correlate to people who come from this haplogroup, if so how come most of them are from europe?


@wewa It's probably from the Levant originally, but has been in Cushitic populations for a few thousand years. It does not look like a recent Arab lineage, because this sub-clade is also found in interior Cushites (even the Rendille have it).

Levant > Egypt > North Sudan > Horn is probably the ancestral route of this lineage.
regarding gedmatch calculators which is the most accurate cuz some of the results im getting seem wild
Yours is probably not wild compared to other Somalis if not considerably admixed. Gedmatch various models descriptions estimate complex facets of the raw data differently with their unique admixture proportions, what it means concerning the Somali ancestry requires a bit of reading and self-thinking, though it can be somewhat misleading at face value because it's mostly not directly derived.

Usually, there's a spreadsheet where you can compare against other ethnic groups, Somali is there too.

