Now France Is Targeting Even the Liberal Imams


I have mixed feelings right now.

This week, France announced that they planned to expel the french imam Hassan Iquioussen from its soil. Minister of interior, Gerald Darmanin, justified this decision by mumbling that he was “too extreme.” This event is an essential step in France’s final solution toward Muslims, as Hassan Iquioussen is remarkably negligent regarding the din and would normally be considered “safe” as far as the French government is concerned.

Morocco World News:

France’s Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said that his country is set to expel Moroccan imam Hassan Iquioussen.
The minister publicly accused the France-born Moroccan imam of adopting “hate speech against the values of France, contrary to our principles of secularism and equality between women and men.”
The Moroccan imam was born in France to Moroccan parents in 1964 in Denain, in northeastern France.
Hassan opposed core elements of orthodox Islam, such as the prohibition of riba, wearing hijab for working women, and the separation between men and women at the mosque. He furthermore allowed the celebration of Christmas and advocated for a French version of Islam.

He is not “extreme” as they claim. He is a liberal reformist that does not follow any traditional understanding of Islam.

Here, the government wants to make an example of him. They want to demonstrate that they will not even tolerate a liberal version of Islam anymore.

The only acceptable for of Islam is clear-cut apostasy.

Here is the message: “Islam or France, only one will remain in the old continent.”

RELATED: France Wants to Deport Imam for Reciting a Quranic Verse

For many years, I have been advocating hijra, and I warned my Muslim brother about how dangerous it is to stay in France, only to be dismissed. They mocked me, saying that it is silly to expect all Muslims to leave France and that we need preachers on location to call the French toward Islam.

I have spent hours of my life explaining to them that the State has a plan and that they will not stop until Islam is erased. I told them that if they stayed, they would probably lose their faith, or life, or be humiliated.

Today, I appreciate the fact that I was right, but I also lament the idea that all the French Muslims that foolishly stayed behind will most probably suffer in the near future.

RELATED: Muslims Flee From Liberal France: Is Hijra Becoming the Norm?

I am sad for my brothers that the likes of Hassan Iquioussen have fooled them by assuring them that France was a promised land for believers. As for Hassan, I do not cry for him, but I still supplicate for his safety and advise people to do the same.

Keep in mind that Hassan is a child of the French Republic, born and raised in France. He never could obtain the land’s citizenship, but his culture is French, and all his landmarks are in France. It is never easy to go to a foreign and unknown country.

This fact also shows that nobody is safe from expulsion in this day and age. It is very likely that in a few months, the State will start to expel those that possess double citizenship.

This could happen very soon as a rumor spreads that more imams will quickly be expelled from France.


Davut Pasa said: “According to my information, Hassan Iquioussen is the first of a list of 10 Imams who will soon be expelled, including 8 possessors of double citizenship who will be stripped of their French nationality.”

Ironically, the ones that fought the hardest against hijra are now the ones that are forced to do it.

Maybe this trial will help these folks to change their mind about it.

RELATED: France Forces Muslims to Sign Loyalty Declaration and Denounce Islamic Values

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I have mixed feelings right now.

This week, France announced that they planned to expel the french imam Hassan Iquioussen from its soil. Minister of interior, Gerald Darmanin, justified this decision by mumbling that he was “too extreme.” This event is an essential step in France’s final solution toward Muslims, as Hassan Iquioussen is remarkably negligent regarding the din and would normally be considered “safe” as far as the French government is concerned.

Morocco World News:

Hassan opposed core elements of orthodox Islam, such as the prohibition of riba, wearing hijab for working women, and the separation between men and women at the mosque. He furthermore allowed the celebration of Christmas and advocated for a French version of Islam.

He is not “extreme” as they claim. He is a liberal reformist that does not follow any traditional understanding of Islam.

Here, the government wants to make an example of him. They want to demonstrate that they will not even tolerate a liberal version of Islam anymore.

The only acceptable for of Islam is clear-cut apostasy.

Here is the message: “Islam or France, only one will remain in the old continent.”

RELATED: France Wants to Deport Imam for Reciting a Quranic Verse

For many years, I have been advocating hijra, and I warned my Muslim brother about how dangerous it is to stay in France, only to be dismissed. They mocked me, saying that it is silly to expect all Muslims to leave France and that we need preachers on location to call the French toward Islam.

I have spent hours of my life explaining to them that the State has a plan and that they will not stop until Islam is erased. I told them that if they stayed, they would probably lose their faith, or life, or be humiliated.

Today, I appreciate the fact that I was right, but I also lament the idea that all the French Muslims that foolishly stayed behind will most probably suffer in the near future.

RELATED: Muslims Flee From Liberal France: Is Hijra Becoming the Norm?

I am sad for my brothers that the likes of Hassan Iquioussen have fooled them by assuring them that France was a promised land for believers. As for Hassan, I do not cry for him, but I still supplicate for his safety and advise people to do the same.

Keep in mind that Hassan is a child of the French Republic, born and raised in France. He never could obtain the land’s citizenship, but his culture is French, and all his landmarks are in France. It is never easy to go to a foreign and unknown country.

This fact also shows that nobody is safe from expulsion in this day and age. It is very likely that in a few months, the State will start to expel those that possess double citizenship.

This could happen very soon as a rumor spreads that more imams will quickly be expelled from France.

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Davut Pasa said: “According to my information, Hassan Iquioussen is the first of a list of 10 Imams who will soon be expelled, including 8 possessors of double citizenship who will be stripped of their French nationality.”

Ironically, the ones that fought the hardest against hijra are now the ones that are forced to do it.

Maybe this trial will help these folks to change their mind about it.

RELATED: France Forces Muslims to Sign Loyalty Declaration and Denounce Islamic Values

This is the same tactics of the Spanish inquisition with the moriscos.

They didn't leave the Muslims who christianized alone.

So simple the more you give them the more they want

Islam in France: A Liberal French “Imam” Is on the Run​


The Liberal French “Imam,” Hassan Iquioussen, is now on the run…

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article based on a recent event to show that no amount of concession is enough for the Modern Liberal who hypocritically enforces his values through surveillance and coercion while claiming to love tolerance.

There is a great deal of new wisdom that can be extracted from the latest developments in this affair.

Hassan Iquioussen fiercely opposed his banishment, and he even initiated a movement on social media to defend his cause. Sadly, he did not ponder on the reality of the trial that was upon him, and he made no repentance for his past sins. He came to be more staunch in his allegiance towards France and its values, likely to entice the French population.

He appealed the State decision in the administrative court, and the judge ruled that this dictate was illegitimate because it abruptly disturbed Hassan’s privacy and contradicted the right to live a peaceful family life.

The Muslim Ummah in the West is split between two approaches.

The first group attempts to change civil life in the disbeliever’s land from within. They use all kinds of democratic tools such as voting, protests, and petitions in order to do so.

The other group recognizes that the secular system is a complete farce.

RELATED: Muslims Flee From Liberal France: Is Hijra Becoming the Norm?

With regard to this incident, the first group naively believed the appeal in court was a victory in their fight for the defense of Muslims in the West. The continuation of the story would of course prove them wrong.

These liberal Muslims are gullible souls trapped within their colonized minds. In their hearts rests a hidden love for democracy. Every time the democratic court judges in their favor, they take it as evidence of their rightness.

Furthermore, they believe in the rule of law and are convinced that powers are distributed.

They do not comprehend the fact that everybody secretly recognizes that it is inexact.

When the constitution goes against the average democratic citizen, they do not think that they have been proven wrong. Rather, they declare:

“The constitution is in need of being revised!”
The civil commitment of disbelievers in their own land is to bend the rules to make it submit to their personal vision. Meanwhile, the Muslims use it to defend their liberties and blindly submit⁠—passionately⁠—every time the democratic law forces them to make concessions regarding their religion.

RELATED: France: Liberal State Forces Muslim Women to Swim with Men

The masters of the land thus accomplished what the reformist never thought possible. On August 30, 2022, they relinquished the verdict to the Council of State, an independent court that represents ultimate authority on all juristic rulings in France. The State then pressured the magistrates until they ruled in favor of the government and validated the original decision.

Hassan must be expelled.

When the authorities went to his house, Hassan was absent. For the first time in the history of France, an “Imam” was on the run. What a monumental symbol for all the Muslims that still placed their hopes in the peaceful habitation of Muslims in France.

There are a number of lessons we can take away from this story.

First of all, concepts like the rule of law are void. In democracies, the law is designed to be bent if necessary. Any institution can be corrupted. Likewise, advanced countries are profoundly corrupt and billions of public funds are embezzled yearly. This issue deserves an entire article of its own.

Secondly, no amount of kowtowing will ever be enough for the Islamophobes. They are hypocrites and traitors. Some news outlets revealed that the minister of the interior, Gerald Darmanin, had feasted together with Hassan Iquioussen in the past. Hassan allegedly also bought a house for the uncle of Darmanin.

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Their liberal “Imam” friends are no better. Another infamous French reformist, Hassen Chalghoumi, harshly criticized Iquioussen on TV Channels and called for disavowal and deportation. Yet, when scrutinized, the discourses of both individuals are strangely similar.

These liberal reformists went astray from the path of Islam. They betrayed their Creator and Messenger . They would sell their mother in a heartbeat to gain clout or position. And they somehow expect loyalty from each other!

Iquioussen suffered the worst type of betrayal. His acquaintance, Gerald Darmanin, went as far as fabricating accusations against him in order to make him seem evil. They quoted irrelevant phrases, out of context, claiming that he desires the killing of the French, that he hates Jews, and that women are inferior.

Finally, let’s remember that you can perhaps flee from the French authoritarian secular government, but there is no escaping from Allah.

When he was betrayed by the very Islamophobes he served, Hassan doubled down with his commitment to liberal values when he should have repented and realized how idiotic he was to have ever championed them in the first place.

And now here he is—hiding his face from the police and living as a fugitive from the law.

Will he finally wake up from his misguidance and repent sincerely to Allah?

With his track record however, it seems his next move will probably be to appeal at the European Court of Human Rights, yet again declaring his undying devotion towards liberal values in hope of being “saved” by his masters⁠—the secularist enemies of God.

A renewed step towards utter humiliation and deviance.


From France to Belgium to Morocco: The Dangers of Succumbing to Western Values​


The tale of Hassan Iquioussen, a liberal Imam in France who was targeted by the Interior Minister and subsequently vanished from the public eye, has taken a dramatic turn.

After a few weeks following his disappearance, he was eventually found in hiding within Belgium, close to his hometown of Lilles. France requested Belgium to send him back so that he could be judged under French law, but Belgium refused.

Critics have noted the stark irony of asking a foreign country to return an illegal migrant for the purpose of prosecuting them for illegal entry. It is becoming increasingly clear that the French Interior Minister has a personal vendetta against Iquioussen and seeks only to publicly shame and disgrace him. This tragic event serves as yet another reminder of how power can be manipulated by those in positions of authority.

Hassan Iquioussen, in his search for a new home, instead found himself facing judgement under Belgian law and ultimately facing deportation. Despite his aspirations, on January 13, 2023, the very country he had fled to ended up returning him to his place of birth.

Upon his arrival at the airport in Casablanca, he was greeted with open arms by the Moroccan authorities.

Global Happenings reports:

Moroccan imam Hassan Iquioussen was deported Friday to Morocco by Belgium, where he was arrested on September 30 after his expulsion from France for “remarks inciting hatred and discrimination”, announced his French lawyer to the AFP. This preacher from the north of France, whose expulsion was announced by Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin at the end of July, was deported to Casablanca after the Moroccan authorities issued a pass on Thursday, said Me Lucie Simon .
According to information from Europe 1, this expulsion order induces a ban on return. Imam Iquioussen is registered in the file of wanted persons as well as in the Schengen information system, which makes it possible to report and prevent any entry into the European area.

The story of Hassan Iquioussen is a striking reminder of the dangers of succumbing to the allure of Western liberal values. As a second-generation immigrant, he fell victim to an inferiority complex, thus turning his back on the rich cultural heritage of his ancestors and instead seeking refuge in the Islamophobic land of Belgium.

But even in exile, Iquioussen was not fated to find a home there. Instead, he was swiftly deported back to his birthplace, Morocco, where the authorities gave him a warm welcome.

As a proud Muslim and a resident of Morocco, I have seen firsthand how the bourgeoisie long to send their children to the West for a so-called “better education.” But they fail to realize that the only thing their children will really find there is kufr and liberal corruption.

RELATED: Hijrah to the West: Where Do You Want to Die?

Ironically, the sons of migrants seem to display more love and admiration for the country than the native French themselves do.

Liberalism is the dominant ideology in the world today. Inferiority complex and social engineering can be powerful weapons, especially against those that do not have a particularly strong affinity to Islam and are not firmly grounded in their Islamic knowledge.

It is a reality that many Muslim countries may be facing socio-economic challenges and lack certain types of infrastructure. But these issues should not blind us to the inherent virtues of an Islamic society.

Even tourists and vacationers continuously praise the generosity and courteous behavior of the people, as well as their deep-rooted values and unshakable principles.

So how is it that some within the actual society fail to see the value of such things?

Why are some Muslims enamored with the West and the Western lifestyle?

RELATED: Latest Arab Youth Survey: Less Democracy and More Shariah Please!

Hassan Iquioussen’s tragic story serves as a cautionary tale for those who may be tempted by the false promises of the West. It is a powerful reminder that a nation which turns its back on Allah can never be a true home or friend to a devout believer.

It doesn’t matter how hard you try to please them or how big of a sellout you are.

Yet, never will the Jews or the Christians be pleased with you until you follow their way [of faith]. So say [to them]: Indeed, the [revealed] guidance of Allah is the only sure guidance. For if ever you were to follow their whims, — after sure knowledge has come to you — then against Allah you would have neither patron nor supporter [to help you]. (Qur’an, 2:120)

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that this doesn’t also apply to atheists, because they seemingly have no “faith” that they want to impose onto you. They do. They have very strong religious beliefs. Their creed is liberalism and secularism.

May Hassan Iquioussen’s journey back to Morocco serve as a chance for him to repent and return to the righteous path of Islam. Amin.

RELATED: Yeah, There Is No Free Speech in Islam, But Secularism Needs Brutal Censorship to Survive



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