My record fap...

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My record is 8 times, about 10 minutes between each. The 2nd time feels better than the first, the 3rd has some pain, and the 8th is difficult, forget the 9th

This was years ago as teen, too difficult to attempt anything like that now...

My longest is 5-6 hours, i could watch and stroke for hours without fap, fealt fantastic.

It also feels much better if i take fap break for 2 weeks, it builds up strength and energy.
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My record is 8 times, about 10 minutes between each. The 2nd time feels better than the first, the 3rd has some pain, and the 8th is difficult, forget the 9th

This was years ago as teen, too difficult to attempt anything like that now...

My longest is 5-6 hours, i could watch and stroke for hours without fap, fealt fantastic.

It also feels much better if i take fap break for 2 weeks, it builds up strength and energy.
You have way too much time on your hands.

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