Mogadishu has now DCs from the 5 tribes

Mogadishu has now DCs from the 5 tribes but there is a strong presence of D&M and Gaadsan Dir

Half of the Dharkenley district is inhabited by D&M and Dir Gaadsan the Abgaals are concentrated in the vacinity of Suuqboocle market and the Aabogado road but after you reach the Saldhiga galbeed police station the street splits in half; the D&M half in the the southern direction such as the areas of Masjidka tabliiga, Masjid Dabaqayn up to Kaxda neighbourhood of Shiikhaal. alot of families from the diaspora have moved away from this side and sold their houses because it has become another baydhabo and they run it's businesses speaking their own may language.
Opposite of Saldhiga Galbeed the other side of the road, Gaadsan dir Aka Biimaal lives in it up to Masjid Cali dheere or the area known formely as Booli Qaran and here they have a border with Hawadle who straddles between Abgaal of wadajir and the HG of Hodan neighbourhood. Basically Jaale Siyaad road divides Abgaal and Hawadle in wadajir and Biimaal and D&M in Dharkenley as shown on the map. so the new Waabari DC is D&M. we had Dir Gaadsan, Daarood Mj and Beesha Shanaad Cadcad who represent Madowweyne too!.
this map is for to show you the road that divides wadajir and Dharkenley. left Abgaal and D&M right Hawadle and Dir Gaadsan.
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Accept Season 4 GIF by Billions


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
Dharkeenley is synonymous with Daud let alone Abgaal. Dir, Shiiqaal and Rx do live in the district but this is recent and after they bought the land off AB and are nowhere near as high in numbers as you claim they are. Xawadle do live in wadajir and always have but again, Abgaal dominate numerically by a long shot. I would actually argue Murusade in buuloxubey outbumber Xawadle in Wadajir and come second in the district after Abgaal.

Waaberi (and possibly Shingaani) is the only district in Xamar that may have a non Hawiye plurality and that would be Rahanweyn. Although if you lump the Xawadle, Hg, Wacdaan, AB, etc living there as hawiye then hawiye would definitely outnumber Rahanweyn. Regardless, I support RX getting gudomiye in waaberi. They are somewhat native and relatively easy to live with unlike the dooros and deserve representation


Clan borders in a capital city :russ:

damn we are so uncivilised, why can’t they just live together?
That's how it's today and also Abgaal before 1991 were limited to Jidcadka Aabogado no need to open old files i remember these nice villas behind Saldhiga galbeed that belonged to high officials some of them were Isaaqs. Dir Gaadsan side is very old i remember early 90s going to muxaadara AUN Sh shariif AbdiNuur masjid Cali dheere and the area was settled by Dir from Ethiopia, OG and Oromo wadaado. adminka masjidka was Dir. after the war all Gaadsan dir settled in there including Biimaal and expanded to Saldhiga Galbeed and Booliqaran as i witnessed in 2017. as for Comparing Murusade to Hawadle in wadajir i don't think even murusade will believe you😂
do you know where the name xassan Hilaac in Buulaxuubey comes from? he was the Hawadle man that was running it in connection with the airport and Saldhigagalbeed dharkenley. Why Ali Mahdi couldn't attack Caydiid from madiina? Because Hawadle controlled it so till now we have people in Hassan Hilaac. Hawadle own area starts from jidka wadajir aka Jaale Siyaad to siliga hodan and to booliqaran in Dharkeenley. if Murusade are second to Abgaals in Wadajir why they can't be the deputy DC? don't tell me it has to do with Abgaal charity 😂 basically we are in a strategic position between HG and Abgaal so after our clash with HG we switched to Abgaal and became a buffer zone for them. the reasons Abgaals were back to Madiina has to do With Hawadle and the Cakaaro war when Qaybdiid and Caato defected from Caydiid and we hosted Qaybdiid in Saldhigagalbeed(these HG in saldhigagalbeed are cakaaro families) Murusade can't play such role in Wadajir. another example Murusade were part of Badbaadoqaran but Hawadle and Daauud Abgaal were not why they didn't fight in wadajir? Hassan Sheikh called Hawadle officers to start from wadajir and support HG even Abdikadir boss made video about it. it failed because it is not siyaasada beesha to fight in Xamar.
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That's how it's today and also Abgaal before 1991 were limited to Jidcadka Aabogado no need to open old files i remember these nice villas behind Saldhiga galbeed that belonged to high officials some of them were Isaaqs. Dir Gaadsan side is very old i remember early 90s going to muxaadara AUN Sh shariif AbdiNuur masjid Cali dheere and the area was settled by Dir from Ethiopia, OG and Oromo wadaado. adminka masjidka was Dir. after the war all Gaadsan dir settled in there including Biimaal and expanded to Saldhiga Galbeed and Booliqaran as i witnessed in 2017. as for Comparing Murusade to Hawadle in wadajir i don't think even murusade will believe you😂
do you know where the name xassan Hilaac in Buulaxuubey comes from? he was the Hawadle man that was running it in connection with the airport and Saldhigagalbeed dharkenley. Why Ali Mahdi couldn't attack Caydiid from madiina? Because Hawadle controlled it so till now we have people in Hassan Hilaac. Hawadle own area starts from jidka wadajir aka Jaale Siyaad to siliga hodan and to booliqaran in Dharkeenley. if Murusade are second to Abgaals in Wadajir why they can't be the deputy DC? don't tell me it has to do with Abgaal charity 😂 basically we are in a strategic position between HG and Abgaal so after our clash with HG we switched to Abgaal and became a buffer zone for them. the reasons Abgaals were back to Madiina has to do With Hawadle and the Cakaaro war when Qaybdiid and Caato defected from Caydiid and we hosted Qaybdiid in Saldhigagalbeed(these HG in saldhigagalbeed are cakaaro families) Murusade can't play such role in Wadajir. another example Murusade were part of Badbaadoqaran but Hawadle and Daauud Abgaal were not why they didn't fight in wadajir? Hassan Sheikh called Hawadle officers to start from wadajir and support HG even Abdikadir boss made video about it. it failed because it is not siyaasada beesha to fight in Xamar.
Why are you guys DC of shibis? There are barely of you guys there
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