Marehan elders, businessmen and politicians are pouncing on Garowe, ask yourself WHY?


"For sale: Baby shoes, never worn."
Marehans are in bad shape politically and the reason they are in Garowe now is not because they suddenly like us, but because they are trying to counter Ahmed Madobe who completely made them irrelevant in Jubaland. We all know how they were behaving when Farmajo was President. I'd just throw them a bone and continue to fix relations with Og's. Aside from Ahmed Madobe and Reer Abdille, other OG's like Makaahiil and Auliyahan can be worked with.
Wait, are you telling me Marehans have no political presence in any Somali region. Even in their own? Ngl, I thought they was everywhere
The Wire Reaction GIF

