'Let's Go to a Country with Few Black People and Complain About Anti Blackness'"

It looks like she didn't do anything wrong at all; all she did was be confident in who she is by rebutting the old man's views in a respectable and civil manner.

The older lady (presumably the wife) was more positive, so it wasn't uniformly bad; in either case, it's not incumbent upon anyone else to find you attractive or to alter their beauty standards.

The truth seeker

Silent weapons for quiet wars
China is fiercely nationalist they hate westerners and blacks and consider them selves masters of the universe

The Chinese leader before the CCP took over was called “mandate of heaven ”
If a Chinese person came to Somalia and someone odey said you don’t have to be stuck like that you can change your skin I wouldn’t think to much of it if Chinese ppl called it out
Sure, the old dude was probably ignorant, but it's still racist as hell. I can guarantee you. If she asked this dude or some other random Chinese person wo asks this type of question why their eyes are so small they would get offended,


Racism is not natural, these people are just uneducated and ignorant

Especially China where media is heavy restricted
Africans need to start asking Chinese and other Asians in Africa similar questions about their distinctive skin tones and eye shapes. All while acting clueless.