Lands with ancient civilization had prettier women

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The meditterenia,west had prettier girls then people who never had civilization like most of the Madow(not the west african muslim civilization,there are some beautiful malians,fulani..e.t.c),aborigians

Is it because these civilization breed with prettier women they conqured,and were wealthier enough to get pretty women?

Just a thought
wow, just to humor this:

it's more likely that a group of people with a civilization in the ancient times had contact with others for thousands of years allowing inter-marriage or more likely culture sharing. so things like ideal beauty and sexual traits would be common within that group of connected civilizations

so the horn of africa, the indian subcontinent, north africa, the middle east, and the mediterraneans share similar taste in women
It doesnt seem strange to you?

it makes sense, if you're a part of an isolated group of people, you're gonna look strikingly different, think the Amazonians for example. Have you seen what the Aboriginals looked like before the coloniasts came? Very primitive and savage looking, it's not their fault it's a natural occurance of being isolated
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