Lady with HIV goes to nail salon and doesn't disclose her status....

Also, they have clients back to back, so what time is there to properly clean this equipment? Surgeons even advise people who had surgery to avoid these places. If you must go, for whatever reason, go to high-end spots, that are maybe more likely to be diligent. Not overworked, underpaid, packed out places.

Lady exposes nasty practices at a nail salon (used by actors).

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Internet Nomad

Yea you got to put people like David down like a rabid dog.

The guy with his false sense of moral authority told the locals who have to live with this shit and their lives at stake that they are too harsh on murders and rapists.

Same logic behind the people who were so outraged behind oct 7 but were silent for decades about all the oppression Palestinians have been thorough.

When el-salvador cleaned up all the gangs swiftly making one of the most dangerous countries in south america overnight a inspiration of safety in South America. This same brand of people also came out of the woodworks to say the prison system is too harsh.

These people are silent on your oppression but when you seek justice and retribution they are there to critic you.


A mere finger can’t obscure the sun.
You can purchase a decent nail and pedi kit and do it at home. Make it into self care ritual and save yourself money.
This narrator is so incredibly stupid and naive.
First he is wearing his bleeding humanist heart on his sleeve,
>It is difficult to watch a fellow human being suffering right before your eyes...but If I were to intervene the mob would turn on me.
Mate, you lost your mind?
Then lo and behold, he is right on que with his leftist world view of "Punishment does not prevent rape"
>But even the threat of being burnt alive, seems to have done nothing to stop the rapes
It gets even worse, he then goes on to reveal that he did indeed once intervene, for his friend "David" whom raped his girlfriend. Only for this David to spit on his face by raping again and giving the second victim HIV.

Humanists are vile scum.

In the film, The Devil's Advocate, Al Pacino plays the shataan. In one of the last scenes, he admits to being the "first humanist" and "the last humanist"

May Allaah guide us Muslim's against these humanists and their "human rights" for rapists and other sycophants
I watched her story , she is very maskin . An abusive ex boyfriend intentionally gave her the disease . She takes her medication religiously, so her hiv is undetectable which means she cannot spread it . I cannot believe she did not sue the xaasid.
I watched her story , she is very maskin . An abusive ex boyfriend intentionally gave her the disease . She takes her medication religiously, so her hiv is undetectable which means she cannot spread it . I cannot believe she did not sue the xaasid.
I have also listened to her story, the man that gave it to her passed away from covid durring the pandemic