Lady faints


Hakuna matata
I was doing my daily errands buying some groceries before heading home from work.

A old lady standing behind me in line I saw acting very strangely, she seemed very confused and suddenly her eyes started to roll back so I quickly grabbed her arm and let her lean against me, she was about to drop on the floor. The cashier went running to call a first aider at the customer service desk, and a man helped me lie this lady down on the floor. The supervisor came and asked the lady a few questions about her health while she was half u conscious, the lady said she suddenly felt dizzy and couldn't stay standing, she felt like she was going to faint. They got her a chair to sit on till she was fully conscious, after that they asked her how she was getting home, she said driving, and they also asked if there was anyone they can call to take her home, and she said “don't bother no one will come to me”, subhanallah my heart dropped, her kids and relatives are too busy with their lives to look after and care for their old mother. After 20 minutes they checked out her groceries and she left to go home and drive, i was like wtf this hella risky she can faint again, should probably call the ambulance and take her to the hospital at-least.
“don't bother no one will come to me”

She did have kids but they are too busy with their own lives.

I can probably guess her children are white bc they are the only ones that do not care about their elderly folks ( beside the balkans ).


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