Khat sellers protest against Farmaajo's brother who has monopolised the industry!

Booli Qaran Part II (Farmaajo Family Khat Dynasty)

^ First topic on this disaster

  • Remember Farmaajo's ban on Kenyan Khat that was advertised as some sort of "patriotic" agenda that was tied to the maritime boundary dispute?
  • The real agenda behind that was to allow his brother to flood the market with bad quality khat from Ethiopia.
  • Xasan Farmaajo and his business partners import bad quality khat from Ethiopia.
  • They steal any other Khat that is imported at the Airport.
  • Former President of Somalia, Farmaajo, controls Mogadishu's Airport, which allows them to be the only Khat dealers to bring in the product- cutting out other traders.
  • Local traders are asking for help as this is their livelihood; how they pay for food, healthcare, education for their children.

Listen to their concerns:

"They steal the Khat we try to import at the Airport, we tried to import it again and again, and they stole it from us each time"

"They charge 10 Dollars for a bundle of Khat that is worth 5 dollars"

"We have never seen such bad quality Khat before"

"We are at the mercy of merciless people"

"Farmaajo's brother and the men who work for him monopolised the market"

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Somalilander | Habr Jeclo | Muslim | Barça Fan
Who cares about khat? Useless thing. Should be burned along with xaarmajo.
Who cares about khatM? Useless thing. Should be burned along with xaarmajo.

Khat is poison, unfortunately many Somali traders sell it to provide for their families.

Instead of banning Khat or only bringing in good quality khat and controlling how it's consumed. Farmaajo has allowed his brother to bring in bad quality, dirty Khat from Ethiopia.

Before Farmaajo's family nepotism, traders brought in better quality Khat from Kenya. This is the "leadership" and "patriotism" Farmaajo's bots want to sell us on.
Farmaajo doesn't even have the decency to conceal his unbridled corruption, he himself was raised on corruption and nepotism and is just carrying on the tradition.

GoobJoog Article:

β€œ waa ku dhibannahay khaadka waxaan waligeen aragnay maahan waxaa la yaabnay nuucaas qoryaha ah oo wax naga ceshanaayo aysan jirin waa qashin jaad maahan dad aan Naxriis la heyn ayaa nala hoos geeyay”.

β€œ waa dadkii jaadka ka ganacsanaayay oo ganacsi kale heysan oo haddii iskuul tahay haddii caafimaad ay tahay iyo haddey tahay nolol dadkii intaas ka ganacsanaayay ayaa nahay, waa dadkii uu matalaayay ra’iisulwasaaraha codsi qaas ah ayaa u direynaa waxaan leenahay ra’iisulwasaare waa hurudaayee hurdada ka kac ganacsiga jaadka eek a yimaada Itoobiya waa ganacsi baadil ah umaddii waa lagu dhibaateeyay inta halkaan fadhisa waxa ay wakiil ka tahay dadka Muqdisho jooga iyo hareeraheeda”.
Btw, the local khat traders are Habar Gidir, this is what reporter Balwaan said before also, it's very apparent from their accents that they are. Unfortunately for these people, Farmaajo used Somalia's recovery stage and the goodwill of Mogadisu's residents, to plant goons from his tribe everywhere.

What's the difference between Farmaajo and the warlords of the 1990's? At least back then, Hawiye traders could bring in what they wanted.

QoorQoor and Rooble will not help their kin though, even if they appealed for their help in the video.