It’s -18 c

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f*ck you im from Mudug
Helsinki baby


47F here, it reached 30F last week and I thought I was gonna freeze to death. I have no idea how u guys manage with minus temperature. You guys are strong walle :)


I have an IQ of 300
Winter used to be my favourite season because I prefer shivering and being freezing cold to sweating and feeling lethargic when indoors, and snow is great, but I'm starting to reconsider that as the days get colder and I consistently forget to wear gloves :farmajoyaab:
Summer, and the prospects of dressing light are both starting to look pretty good now :noneck:
Do you live in russia or something
I cant imagine -18 celsius i think i would die

Worst we have here in holland is -5 c couple days per year, then i wear like 2 socks and legging under my pants etc :mjlol: good luck

Etacovda S'lived

תחיה מדינת ישראל
Yes depression is rampant in the community. It’s not all doom and gloom however. Since there is a lot to be depressed about, it shows intelligence and smart thinking on our part. Furthermore, a people who are depressed will have a greater appreciation for normal things. Finland is among the countries with the highest depression rates and they are coping quite well.


Call me ayeeyo
-13C. Normally I don't mind but it's a deadly combo with a bad cold. Currently waiting for the lack of air bc of my stuffed nose to knock me out :damn:
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