Is Intelligence A Fatal Mutation Of Life


A-lot of people are arguing intelligence can be a blessing yet a curse, ppl focus on the blessing side while not aware or disregarding the pit-falls. Some say the rise of intelligence can be and most likely was 'fatal' for intelligent life, it's like a check-mate, u eventually get super smart u develop deadly weaponry and wipe yourself out. Some argue this may have happened in the cosmo with alien life in the past.

Their literally 14 billion years of 'distance' from earth to it's origin point and some are arguing that's just a 'false horizon' lol and it continues further. Inside all that distance their is trillions of planets-suns, they argue it's unlikely that life happened in 1 only out of a trillion experimentations is very 'slim' and the conditions for life must have occurred multiple times across the cosmos and possibly intelligent life destroyed it. If it happened only in 1 planet 'earth' the conditions 4 life while 'trillions of planets' didn't, some religious ppl argue this could be 'sign' of god to show how the impossible can happen.

