Is blackpill becoming mainstream amongst young men?

As a redpiller self improvement is a way of life for me, and I put in the years of work. To deserve the lifestyle that I have and all the options that come with it.

As a blackpiller you want my results without the rejection, failure, frustration, suffering, self experimentation, self belief, self denial,pain,resilience, patience, effort, delayed gratification.

You don’t want equal opportunity you want equal outcome, without any effort on your part and when it doesn’t work. Well it’s because of your looks or your genetics and not your self limiting beliefs or your absolute lack of action.

“We pay a price for everything we get or take in this world; and although ambitions are well worth having, they are not to be cheaply won, but exact their dues of work and self denial, anxiety and discouragement.”

Pay the price to become the man you need to be, or shut your mouth and suffer in silence. Because no one cares, for your self inflicted suffering as a man.
As a redpiller self improvement is a way of life for me, and I put in the years of work. To deserve the lifestyle that I have and all the options that come with it.

As a blackpiller you want my results without the rejection, failure, frustration, suffering, self experimentation, self belief, self denial,pain,resilience, patience, effort, delayed gratification.

You don’t want equal opportunity you want equal outcome, without any effort on your part and when it doesn’t work. Well it’s because of your looks or your genetics and not your self limiting beliefs or your absolute lack of action.

“We pay a price for everything we get or take in this world; and although ambitions are well worth having, they are not to be cheaply won, but exact their dues of work and self denial, anxiety and discouragement.”

Pay the price to become the man you need to be, or shut your mouth and suffer in silence. Because no one cares, for your self inflicted suffering as a man.
Yes that applies to me 100% but some people try hard and still fail because their base is shit.
Yes that applies to me 100% but some people try hard and still fail because their base is shit.
Owning your truth is a great place to start, your focus should be 💯 on your own journey and not others.

But to address the point you raised, one can work as hard as humanly possible. Without ever accomplishing a danm thing, hard work alone does nothing.
There has to be a system, a process, with a structure, a goal and a time line.

A relative of mine who lifted for 3 years and had very little to show for it, came to me for advice and I give him a system. Withing 4 months of using that system, he got such crazy results, people were asking him what steroids he was using. Including seasoned lifter at his gym.

Working smart is better than working hard.

The black pill and the red pill operate on the same info, the only difference is redpillers practice stoicism. That’s why they are less emotional and more action.
Sxb stop it, you're probably not that ugly. If fat, short balding men can pull do can you. You're personality is probably the biggest pussy repellent, I'd start there. Get a retail/sales job, that's the ultimate short-cut to developing personality/wit and thinking on your feet.
Good advice. Becoming more NT is good for overall lifemaxxing but realistically If I manage to become more well adjusted and looksmax properly i’ll probably still be incel.

UK is hardmode you have to be a hyper-NT jock or it’s over
Good advice. Becoming more NT is good for overall lifemaxxing but realistically If I manage to become more well adjusted and looksmax properly i’ll probably still be incel.

UK is hardmode you have to be a hyper-NT jock or it’s over
Really? I’d never guess it’s tough in the UK. Why’s that ? Somalis got bad rep or something ?
Really? I’d never guess it’s tough in the UK. Why’s that ? Somalis got bad rep or something ?
It’s not hardmode for somalis specifically it’s just hardmode period. You have to be a hyper NT reformed gangster like @World at minimum (or some other archetype) or it’s over.

Becoming half normal is possible but There’s no way I can go from goofy pointdexter to desirable male (by britbong standards) it’s fundamentally IMPOSSIBLE
It’s not hardmode for somalis specifically it’s just hardmode period. You have to be a hyper NT reformed gangster like @World at minimum (or some other archetype) or it’s over.

Becoming half normal is possible but There’s no way I can go from goofy pointdexter to desirable male (by britbong standards) it’s fundamentally IMPOSSIBLE
Who’s that person you tagged ? Lol. I thought most Brit guys are goofy big teeth pasty ass lookin. Brits got a crazy bad rep on par with the southern trailer trash
Good advice. Becoming more NT is good for overall lifemaxxing but realistically If I manage to become more well adjusted and looksmax properly i’ll probably still be incel.

UK is hardmode you have to be a hyper-NT jock or it’s over
For starters, drop the weird 4chan lingo. Join a gym and take up a combat sport (preferably mma, muay thai or boxing), it'll boost your confidence and that'll bleed over to other aspects of your life. Trust me, getting mauled by someone with 5yrs more experience and still getting up to fight makes approaching birds a piece of piss by comparison. You'll gain even more confidence once you get good enough and you're the one dishing out the beatings during sparring lol

Plenty of ugly fuckers get pussy sxb, stop denigrating yourself. That's the most unattractive quality you can have as man and girls can smell it on you a mile off. They're human beings like you, they shit, stink of BO, look ugly in the morning etc. Putting them on a pedastal and treating them like they're angelic/demi-god like beings is probably where a lot of your crippling anxiety with women comes from.

This obvsly doesn't apply to our beautiful and intelligent Somali sisters. But the avg girl's a fucking boring, drooling retard. You'll be amazed at half the stuff that comes out of their mouth:lolbron:


For starters, drop the weird 4chan lingo. Join a gym and take up a combat sport (preferably mma, muay thai or boxing), it'll boost your confidence and that'll bleed over to other aspects of your life. Trust me, getting mauled by someone with 5yrs more experience and still getting up to fight makes approaching birds a piece of piss by comparison. You'll gain even more confidence once you get good enough and you're the one dishing out the beatings during sparring lol

Plenty of ugly fuckers get pussy sxb, stop denigrating yourself. That's the most unattractive quality you can have as man and girls can smell it on you a mile off. They're human beings like you, they shit, stink of BO, look ugly in the morning etc. Putting them on a pedastal and treating them like they're angelic/demi-god like beings is probably where a lot of your crippling anxiety with women comes from.

This obvsly doesn't apply to our beautiful and intelligent Somali sisters. But the avg girl's a fucking boring, drooling retard. You'll be amazed at half the stuff that comes out of their mouth:lolbron:
You're such a normie bro, you wouldn't understand that we're all destined for failure and lifemaxxing ain't worth it. Gymcels are so delusional. We have life in hardmode and get mogged everytime
You're such a normie bro, you wouldn't understand that we're all destined for failure and lifemaxxing ain't worth it. Gymcels are so delusional. We have life in hardmode and get mogged everytime
I realised 2-3yrs into lifting that the avg lifter mogs 80-90% of the non-lifting male populace lol. The mogging is always at it's worst at the gym, but how are nattys meant to compete with fuckers who pin 400mg of Tren and pop Anavar like they're skittles:mjcry:


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