IC: We strongly urge Somalia’s leaders to take immediate steps to de-escalate tensions in Mogadishu. Violence is unacceptable.


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The Int'l community always playing dumb neutral is the reason why we're in the shit today. Throwing around useless papers won't do shit, Xaarmajo is an obstacle to peace in Somalia!
Weak statement by the international community. Everytime their guy farmajo is about to be tossed they come with these statements . I hope madasha let's the salvation army do their job in saving the nation from this dictator.
Qoorqoor sides with Rooble



Another weak statement. Basically you monkeys solve your own problems
the strongest statement was from Ilhan Omar and she is getting butchered on all social media I actually feel sorry for her at this point. Probably Deni pressured her to make that statement, she should jsut stay out of Somali affairs and focus on America.
@En_Sabah Nur though I'm opposed to Farmajo is there any actual point in overthrowing him considering he controls only a minority of the country
The country needs a stable federal government. We are currently in limbo. We can’t take advantage of debt relief with all of this uncertainty. Farmajo has to go, I don’t see how we can move forward as a country with him in Villa Somalia. Majority of Somali politicians can be accused of being corrupt and stealing money. Farmajo doesn’t care about money, he is power hungry, which makes him more dangerous. His brand of strongman politics doesn’t work in a country like Somalia. I also believe Deni is the same way, but Deni is more practical. Farmajo never learns his lesson, he just comes up with new ways to grab power.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Its over guys peace shall reign as Rooble and Farmaajo are being mediated by Md Qoor Qoor and Wasiirooyin



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