IC give one last chance before they take over elections process

Seems like the NN and their Lahelow followers don’t understand what’s at stake here. This is our last chance to come to an agreement. If farmaajo doesn’t show up to the tent soon, and he tries to go ahead with his suicide mission get ready for our new flag.


The International community has expressed serious concern that the political stalemate is impacting negatively on peace, security, stability, and prosperity in and beyond as stalemate over delayed polls
is feared to slide the country back to civil war.

In a joint statement, The African Union (AU), the European Union (EU); Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the United Nations (UN) reaffirmed their decision to not support partial or parallel elections.

”We reaffirm decision not to support any parallel process, partial elections, or new initiatives leading to any extension of prior mandates,” the statement read in part.

”Urge all Somali leaders to exercise maximum restraint and refrain from any actions that may lead to an escalation of tensions,”

”We underscore that the 17 September Agreement remains the most viable path towards the holding of elections in the shortest delay possible, and urge the Federal Government and the Federal Member State leaders to review and validate the 16 February 2021 Baidoa Technical Committee.”
It's astonishing seeing the beta behavior being proclaimed in this forum. Farmaajo is a little b*ch who is just sitting in Villa Somalia doing F all. Come in front of the TV and say something otherwise stop pretending to be a Nationlist whose against foreign interference. Go to the parliament and elders and call for a much wider election than what is controlled by 5 men in oversized suits.
Let them try they've got alot to answer to in terms of their poor handling of the unfortunate events in Yemen, Myanmar & Bangladesh (Rohyingas), 🇭🇹 and 🇨🇳 with the Uighurs. The UN isn't known as useless for no reason how about they try to save face by 🤫 & helping who asks for their help (COVID-19 Vaccines & other deadly diseases across the 🗺).


Well I agree with the UN that we can not go far without everyone being onboard, I still believe both sides can compromise even more now than before. Remember we would not be in the our current position if our leaders always kept the big picture in mind. :)