I seriously believe my manager is mentally ill

No, I dead serious. My manager is a black bisexual blm sjw who injects her into the job to the point of delusion. I’m not talking about a normal left learning/moderate progressive person. She projects human emotions on to the dogs and hires people based solely off diversity . My reasons :
She hired a seventeen year old with no prior experience and severe depression. He was staying at a halfway house for children taken by CPS and tried to commit suicide by jumping in front of a van moving 70 miles per hour 3 months before he started working here. She gave him the highest starting wage with full benefits. The kid abruptly quit in the middle of his overnight after 3 months .

Believes that dogs and humans are equal and injects human traits onto them to the point of insanity. I’ve studied dog behavior for over 10 years. The dogs have no respect for her or having any of the coworkers that handle in her style. This is extremely dangerous because coworkers are getting bitten by aggressive dogs . My manager doesn’t tell them about certain dogs with behavior issues is because it will give the handler a negative first impression on the dogs and them being positive will curb their bad behaviors. From this week : Paddy, a chihuahua mix bit three of the recipients before he entered the playroom .

After this, my manager STILL insisted that this dog not be isolated and be in group play. The dogs doesn’t play with anyone . He just paces anxiously back and forth.
After a couple hours laters of putting Paddy back

LUCKILY, There’s a new manager that extremely good at dog handling, 5 years of experience and is sane/not a SJW. He’s a Puerto Rican dude in his mid twenties named Josh. Only reason why my manager hired him was because he resembles her one of deceased best friends & ex coworker, Jose. Jose was the one friend I was referring to who was shot in the head in Humboldt Park last year. Josh has been working here for about 3 months and is my working partner on my shifts.
Having a lot of confidence is one of the main requirements for my occupation. But my manager only hires very passive soft people who stress out easily. She told me to it’s my responsibility to actively volunteer my help wherever I see any of the new coworkers struggling with handling the dogs and send them dog educational materials. Even though, 1. I’m not a supervisor or manager 2. The coworkers she’s referring to are two forty men with prior experience & a white feminist who’s been working here for a year and says she’s stronger than a man .
How do you handle those evil animals?
They’re basically bad naughty kids. Bad breeding is one of the reasons why a lot of these dogs have behavioral problems and/or mental illnesses. Yes, animals can have mental illnesses just like people. Some dogs do have legit something similar to anti social personality disorder. They’re social animals, like humans.

Scarily human social behavior I’ve seen working with dogs:
1. Dog tribalism is like high school cliques. In Lil’ Village ( the playroom for all the small dogs), the 75 percent of frenchies just sit to themselves and aren’t like by the toy lap dogs. At one of my old jobs, all the black labs formed a clique & would attack all the light colored dogs.
2. Dogs being prejudice towards other breeds. The owners of the company’s Welsh Terrier hates any flat faced dogs and will aggressively antagonize them and/or times to maul them. There’s a German Shepard that comes here that can’t enter a room with a Husky because he hates him THAT MUCH. There’s also sell out dogs who only hang with the human handles and helps corrects the other dogs. These dogs never have ANY dogs friends

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
They’re basically bad naughty kids. Bad breeding is one of the reasons why a lot of these dogs have behavioral problems and/or mental illnesses. Yes, animals can have mental illnesses just like people. Some dogs do have legit something similar to anti social personality disorder. They’re social animals, like humans.

Scarily human social behavior I’ve seen working with dogs:
1. Dog tribalism is like high school cliques. In Lil’ Village ( the playroom for all the small dogs), the 75 percent of frenchies just sit to themselves and aren’t like by the toy lap dogs. At one of my old jobs, all the black labs formed a clique & would attack all the light colored dogs.
2. Dogs being prejudice towards other breeds. The owners of the company’s Welsh Terrier hates any flat faced dogs and will aggressively antagonize them and/or times to maul them. There’s a German Shepard that comes here that can’t enter a room with a Husky because he hates him THAT MUCH. There’s also sell out dogs who only hang with the human handles and helps corrects the other dogs. These dogs never have ANY dogs friends
Interesting, is similar behaviour displayed in cats?
@Somali Ugaas
I do believe that some of these dogs have personality disorders. And no, not in a human way. I’m talking about dogs who act extremely out the acceptable social norms of a pack. My hypothesis is that these dogs feed off the owner’s toxic habits.

The technical scientific term for the relationship humans & dogs have is Symbiosis. It’s any type of a close and long-term biological interaction between two biological organisms of different species. Dogs have been evolving along us for about 10,000 years. A new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) says that dogs' facial features in particular, “puppy dog eyes” may have evolved based on human preference.
Interesting, is similar behaviour displayed in cats?
Yeah. My first cat I owned (a Russian Blue named Gregory) formed his own gang of cats in the neighborhood . Me and my cousin would walk home from school to see my cat chasing other cats that weren’t apart of his crew down the street. He was a purebred housecat that was a gang leader of stray alley cats…….

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
@Somali Ugaas
I do believe that some of these dogs have personality disorders. And no, not in a human way. I’m talking about dogs who act extremely out the acceptable social norms of a pack. My hypothesis is that these dogs feed off the owner’s toxic habits.

The technical scientific term for the relationship humans & dogs have is Symbiosis. It’s any type of a close and long-term biological interaction between two biological organisms of different species. Dogs have been evolving along us for about 10,000 years. A new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) says that dogs' facial features in particular, “puppy dog eyes” may have evolved based on human preference.

So they evolved to the way where we like them and they picked up some of our traits '. Yaab! So if a dog's owner is very depressed and reserved it's more likely to be reserved.
@Somali Ugaas
My cat, Ramsey was IN LOVE with one of my mum’s cats. She was an elderly longhair orange tabby named Sunshine. Sunshine blueballed him until her dying day. She gave her no play whatsoever, but would only be nice/not afraid if Ramsey has food or catnip. Little Harlot. My son simped for a 25 year old cat when he was a year old for two years.
The current cat my mum owns now, Alisha has a crush on my cat, but he doesn’t like her at. Lol

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
@Somali Ugaas
My cat, Ramsey was IN LOVE with one of my mum’s cats. She was an elderly longhair orange tabby named Sunshine. Sunshine blueballed him until her dying day. She gave her no play whatsoever, but would only be nice/not afraid if Ramsey has food or catnip. Little Harlot. My son simped for a 25 year old cat when he was a year old for two years.
The current cat my mum owns now, Alisha has a crush on my cat, but he doesn’t like her at. Lol

25 years and she still can play the game.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Are you still dating that racially ambiguous guy or have you dumped him?

You are very smart, way smarter than to be working at dog shelter.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Anyone know Amal from Angelina Soma Youtuber?
Are you still dating that racially ambiguous guy or have you dumped him?

You are very smart, way smarter than to be working at dog shelter.
I love my job. It’s pays decent and has full benefits . This is probably a very privileged thing to say but I just want a middle class wage with basic benefits and care for about emotional fulfillment /work environment. If I lived in the Middle Ages, I would be a goat/camel herder .


E pluribus unum
You couldn't pay me 1000000 dollars to work with dogs, they don't scare me I just find them filthy.

