It's not a " stupid theory".
Without it, you would be living in Iran, fearing of what will happen if you dare to criticize the Statuquo.

Poor analysis.

First and foremost,
you got it wrong about the French notion of Identity.
If we follow the 1789 Charte of Liberty, according to the famous French Historian;
" Je crois que le thème de l'identité française s'impose à tout le monde, qu'on soit de gauche, de droite ou du centre, de l'extrême gauche ou de l'extrême droite [...] II ne s'agit donc pas d'une identité de la France qui puisse être opposée à la droite ou à la gauche. Pour un historien, il y a une identité de la France à rechercher avec les erreurs et les succès possibles, mais en dehors de toute position politique partisane. Je ne veux pas qu'on s'amuse avec l'identité [...] C'est justement cet accord du temps présent avec le temps passé qui représenterait pour moi l'identité parfaite, laquelle n'existe pas. Le passé, c'est une série d'expériences, de réalités bien antérieures à vous et moi, mais qui existeront encore dans dix, vingt, trente ans ou même beaucoup plus tard. Le problème pratique de l'identité dans la vie actuelle, c'est donc l'accord ou le désaccord avec des réalités profondes, le fait d'être attentif, ou pas, à ces réalités profondes et d'avoir ou non une politique qui en tient compte, essaie de modifier ce qui est modifiable, de conserver ce qui doit l'être. C'est une réflexion attentive sur ce qui existe au préalable. Construire l'identité française au gré des fantasmes, des opinions politiques, ça je suis tout à fait contre. "

As you read, it's more complicated than some polymists like Zemmour or Jean Messiah.
The French Identity, which transcends Political Parties, has been an ongoing subject for the Intellectuals, University Academics and Political debates. If we follow closely to 1789 principles; "La France est Une, et Indivisible" -> Unitarism doctrine of France is legacy of the "Old Regime; Monarchy", and throughout the XIXth century, with the wars, Revolutions, the multiple Republics that the French tried; La Terreur Blanche and the Intolerance of the Intolerance during the 1789 Revolution, the Bonaparte Consulate, the Empire, la Restauration de 1815, the 1830 Monarchy, etc...All of them leading to the Dreyfus Case, and the Wars between the Lefties Republicans against the Clercs, the French Secularists against the Conservatives.

Whether it's the Monarchists' ideas of French Identity, from Barrès to Bernanos, with Mauras and the Action Française, whom believed that only French, Catholics, of European descends monarchists could be the "real French". Eduard Drumont, infamous french Antisemite Journalist, believed that the Republic was the relic of Satan, of JEws who infiltred the political and philosophical spheres,etc.
The Bonapartists and their ideal of Meritocracy, with the heritage of 1789, centralized this question around the Unicity of the French Republic and how it can't be dissolved.
To be French, you'll have to serve France.

Fraudel says: "

L'oeuvre de la royauté française est une oeuvre de longue haleine pour incorporer à la France des provinces qui pouvaient pencher de notre côté mais avaient aussi des raisons de ne pas désirer être incorporées au royaume. Même la Lorraine en 1766 n'est pas contente de devenir française. Et que dire alors des pays de la France méridionale : ils ont été amenés dans le giron français par la force et ensuite par l'habitude.

II y a donc dans l'identité de la France ce besoin de concentration, de centralisation, contre lequel il est dangereux d'agir. Ce qui vous suggère que je ne vois pas la décentralisation d'un oeil tout à fait favorable. Je ne la crois d'ailleurs pas facile. Je crois que le pouvoir central est tel que, à chaque instant, il peut ramener les régions qui seraient trop égoïstes, trop soucieuses d'elles-mêmes, dans le sens de l'intérêt général. Mais c'est un gros problème."

France's Centralization prioritized Paris to the "Province". To be French, you will have to speak, with the dialect of Paris, with the ideas of La Commune."
La Laicité, that you virulently criticize is one of the principles of which the French System has been running so in the last 100 years.

Quite a coincidence, as I had my exam (in Uni), about the French Secularism through the very unique definition of Laicité, in France:
to put simply;

Ever since the first Uprising against the Tyranny of Louis XVI, the Terreur Blanche, after 1792, imposed restrictions, fought off centuries of Religious Privileges, and after the 1804-1812 Concordat; Religion will stay in France, but with one condition; accepting the Plurality of Religions, and in return, Catholics were not repressed. After the first (real) Secular Laws, in 1882 to 1905, multiple Scandals (dramas) between the French Govt of "les Opportunists (Socialists)" and the Pope, to the point, people were afraid of another Civil War in France.

Passed the 1901 Law of "Associations", where now Religious Congregations would reform into free, cult, organization (without the funding of the State), following this and the end of the Concordat, of "La loi sur la séparation de l'Eglise de l'Etat", in 1905, France has definitively stopped getting into the Religious' Affairs (the State is now Neutral), and the same with Religion in regards of Politics.

Laicité wasn't and isn't a repressive tool against the innocent believers.
As it guarantees the freedom of Religious Expression ; you can be Muslim, wear a Muslim Hijab, in Public without fearing for your life.

You pointed it out Melanchon's stands on Religion;
this guy is clearly an Anticlerical individual, in the long history of Anticlerical politicians, like Clemenceau, it is nothing new. Your Rights as a French Citizen, of Muslim spiritual affiliation, are respected.

Though, if we come back in time, back in late 1980s, and Stasi Commision; we learned that the 1905 Law needed some modifications to suit with the rising issue, as you stated, with the Communautarisation of French Minorities. In 2004, we learned that young girls were forced, humiliated to wear their hijab by their fellow classmates. And thus, the French Deputees have voted to ban hijab in Schools (Public and the funded private ones only).
As far as I know, the only law that could've made France an anticlerical country would be the Law against the Niqab (to which, French politicians replied it wasn't a secular law but a security matter, as many terrorists wore Niqab, to pass incognito).

To conclude:

Everyone, under the course of the Law, can be a "Frenchman" or a "Frenchwoman".
There's no such thing as "Français de Souche" in the Constitution, nor in the concept of what consists to be a "French".
You previously said: " we don't have a Barack Obama, nor a Kamala Harris in France" which shows that France keeps its black citizens as second class citizens?
GIve me a break!

There IS a difference between secularism in the english world (Canada, USA, UK, Australia etc...) and laicité in France.
Secularism in the english world, is neutral it doesn't prefer a religion over another.
Laicité prefers atheism over other religions.
If you are a muslim woman living in the US, you can run for president and you can go to school with your hijab, same if you are a sikh, you can do pretty much everything while wearing a turban.
In France, that's not the case. They will stop you from joining the government if you have hijab (ou n'importe quel signe ostentatoire) and they will stop you from wearing hijab in high school.
Why can't we just let people wear whatever they want to wear?
You told another person that if it were not for laicité, then the french people would live like iranians do, which is false. The english world is secular, but yet I don't think that any english speaking country looks like Iran.

You are right that la déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyens of the 1700's revolutionized the world as we know it. However, this wasn't always applied.
Having non racist laws, doesn't mean that discrimination ends.
Napoléon became emperor after this declaration, but still managed to discriminate against black people. So far, France is the only country that re established slavery. 10 years after slavery was banned, Napoléon came back to French islands and made everyone a slave.
He made discriminatory laws banning interracial marriage. See?
Another Example is the Dreyfus Affair (late 1800's), in which a jewish general was wrongfully accused of a crime that he didn't commit just because of antisemitism in France.
If non racist laws stopped racism, then today african american wouldn't protest for BLM since they got the same rights as everyone since the 1960's.
The french people would not protest for Adama Traoré.
But that's just racism, I didn't even talk about islamophobia yet.
Now it's true, that according to the law, you are a frenchman if you have the nationality.
However, non white people in France have a harder time finding jobs or appartments just because of their skin color or religion.
Non racist laws do not stop Marine LePen from dogwhistling.
Yes anyone can be a frenchman on paper, but does it apply in real life?
The français de souche in 2021 will have an easier time than you in french society.

For your second post, you are right african american soldiers liked France more than the US because there was less racism.
However this was world war 1, which was 100 years ago.
The americans that lived through the 1910's were not the one that elected Obama or Kamala Harris 90 years later.
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What jealous ass nigga. It is mostly the elders that say hi to you.


Forza Somalia!
[QUOTE = "Big von, post: 2980393, member: 17112"]
What jealous ass nigga. It is mostly the elders that say hi to you.
That's is literally creepy


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Paris was voted as the most beautiful city in the world though

Is it a lie??
Most beautiful what?! That place is trash, everything is cramped, it stinks and they food is trash. They have the eiffel tower, the louvre and some other monuments but aside from that, the rest of paris looks like the london ghettos. Rats everywhere, if the next plague happens know it came from the french sewage rats. They do have a good PR team tho ngl, they are able to cover up this disgusting city as a tourist destination, you’ll be disappointed when you arrive 👩🏽‍⚖️


that sounds a little bit like Norway but in Norway, strangers are nice and polite and say hey to you when you walk past them. And also our spring and summer are the best with weather and temperature at 23-31 celsius. don't get me started on the Norwegian welfare system:banderas::mjswag:

Been iyo brobogan. Im in pain and i want to escape. Strangers have a mask on, in reality we are all dead inside
It is interesting the many forms of colonization, and domination white countries took while the British acknowledged its subjects, and allowed them to speak their languages sort of the French suppressed it and elevated French only on the other hand the Portuguese tried to breed out and promoted race mixing the French don't even count minorities in France so basically you are invisible yet you can never be French because French is also an ethnic group.


Alhamdulillah for my parents moving out of that shit-hole. I may have moved to another shit-hole but at least I'm not going to be pigeonholed into a shitty job just because I was forced to attend the local school in my ghetto.
Alhamdulillah for my parents moving out of that shit-hole. I may have moved to another shit-hole but at least I'm not going to be pigeonholed into a shitty job just because I was forced to attend the local school in my ghetto.

Where do you live now?


UK that bad?
It's okay but it's not somewhere I want to spend the rest of my life in or to raise any kids. The education system's pretty generous in comparison to France so there is a chance for class mobility (albeit with a lot of debt).

I'd describe it as the European BTEC version of America.
that sounds a little bit like Norway but in Norway, strangers are nice and polite and say hey to you when you walk past them. And also our spring and summer are the best with weather and temperature at 23-31 celsius. don't get me started on the Norwegian welfare system:banderas::mjswag:
Is it easy to make friends out there?

