I find this video offensive bit I don't know why

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Still a billion plus of us left
We have no suicide problem
Atheist have high suicide rates
Only falling behind the LGBTQ community.

It gets scarier as there is a high chance a atheist is also bisexual. Queer, goldless, and on the verge of suicide?
I don't wish this on my worst of enimies
Sxb most of your posts are about which twitter xalimo is dating who. If that isn’t a metrosexual tendency, I don’t know what is. You are second only to R.kelly on the gayness scale. And did you say you guys don’t have a suicide problem? Have you been checking the news? 500 people were killed in one sitting in Mogadishu. Not only do you have a suicide problem, but that problem is not even limited to the suicide bombers.
Sxb most of your posts are about which twitter xalimo is dating who. If that isn’t a metrosexual tendency, I don’t know what is. You are second only to R.kelly on the gayness scale. And did you say you guys don’t have a suicide problem? Have you been checking the news? 500 people were killed in one sitting in Mogadishu. Not only do you have a suicide problem, but that problem is not even limited to the suicide bombers.

I see the queer comment hit a nerve.
That wasn't my intent I apologize
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