Huge Win For Puntland in China -Gaalkacyo/Tongxiang twined, China to invest heavily in PL, new route

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China will invest in PL’s infrastructure (industries, electricit, factories etc) new flight routes from China/PL , new special economic zone and much more,







Weftiga Madaxweynaha Puntland oo ku Gulaystey Heshiisyo Kobcinta Dhaqaalaha iyo Horumarinta Magaalooyinka Puntland.

Tongxiang, Juun 05, 2019: Madaxweynaha Dowlada Puntland Mudane Saciid Cabdullaahi Deni iyo waftigii balaadhnaa ee uu hogaaminayey oo kala ahaa Wasiirada Wasaaradaha Duulista Hawada iyo Garoomada Xuseen Cismaan Lugatoor, Kalluumaysiga iyo Khayraadka Badda Faarax Maxamuud Cawaash, Tamarta, Macdanta iyo Biyaha Axmed Maxamed Yuusuf (Taaran), Ganacsiga, Warshadaha iyo Maalgashiga Cabdullaahi Maxamed Cabdi ayaa ku guulaystey intii ay joogeen dalka Shiinaha heshiisyo kobcinta dhaqaalaha ah iyo horumarinta magaalooyinka Puntland.

Wafdiga Madaxweynaha ayaa intii ay ku sugnaayeen dalka Shiinaha waxaa u hirgalay kulamo iyo booqashooyin Xarumo Dowladeed, Wershedo wax soo saar, Goobo caafimaad iyo Rugta Ganacsiga.

Sidoo kale waxay weftigu wada-hadalo miradhal ah la yeesheen madaxda wadanka Shiinaha iyo Shirkado Ganacsi oo caalami ah. Wada-hadaladaasi waxa ay ahaayeen kuwo lagu dar-dargelinayo mashaariicdii horey u socotay, sida dhismaha garoonka diyaaradaha Gaalkacayo, wadada Eyl iyo Garoowe isku xirta, dhamaystirka wejiga labaad garoonka diyaaradaha Boosaaso iyo in maalgashi loo helo kheyraadka dalka iyo kaabayaasha adeegyada bulshada,sida Biyaha, Korontada, Kalluumaysiga iyo hirgelinta duulimaadyo Caalami ah.

Waxay Weftigu la saxiixdeen Madaxda caasimadda Tongxiang ee gobolka Jiaxing Zheijiang laba Heshiis oo kala ah:

1. Mataaneynta labada magaalo ee Tongxiang iyo
Gaalkacayo, kuwaas oo yeelanaya Iskaashi iyo
qorsheyaal horumarinta magaalooyinka ah.

2. In aag u gaar ah dhaqaalaha laga hirgeliyo Puntland “
Horn of Africa Special Economic Zone”, barnaamijkan
maalgelintiisa iyo fulintiisa waxaa yeelandoonta
Hay'adda caalamiga ah ee Tongxiang Economic
Development zone.

Heshiisyada dhaxalgal ka ah waxaa dhinaca Puntland u saxiixay Wasiirka Wasaaradda Ganacsiga iyo Wershedaha Dowladda Puntland Mudane Cabdullaahi Maxamed Cabdi.

Heshiisyadani muhiim ka ah waxay qayb ka yihiin balanqaadyadii Madaxweynaha Dowlada Puntland Mudane Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni ee ahaa kobcinta Dhaqaalaha, horumarinta adeegyada bulshada, maalgashi iyo suuq u helidda Kheyraadka iyo wax soo saarka dalka.


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Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
The problem with copy and pasting tags, is that they dont work. i didnt receive a notification.

But I applaud the new approach to look east. I would also like to see more cooperation with India, specially in terms of healthcare and generic medicine which are of good quality and cheap.

Inshallah all those deals will materialise.
Great news. More info needed on that exclusive trading zone.

Eyl port has been signed last week.

Today Gaalkacyo and Chinese city were made twin cities/sister cities.

And the exclusive trading zone which we need to find out more about.
Great news. More info needed on that exclusive trading zone.

Eyl port has been signed last week.

Today Gaalkacyo and Chinese city were made twin cities/sister cities.

And the exclusive trading zone which we need to find out more about.

"trading" zone or new China colony. Deni and his team better thread carefully.
Gaalkacyo will no doubt gets its share in woolen sweaters.


Tongxiang is one of biggest woolen sweater manufacturing base. In 2006, Tongxiang sold over 600 million woolen sweaters.

download (7).jpeg
I hope the politicians wont get fooled by empty and backhanded Chinese promises.

And Chinese construction and design is hideous.
I mean look at this shit wallahi some idiots in Hobyo thought it was beautiful :holeup:smh

Heres to reer Puntland hopefully having more sense than reer Galmudug, although Hobyo is in a political stalemate due to disagreements over projects which is a bright light
Lord Flacko it's bad but I kind understand why they did it though a big fail.

They wanted something eye catching living up to a given name and unique recognisable but ended up looking simple and bad.


These investments are lies. Gaas did the same thing and nothing ever eventuates. No time-tables indicates it's all just 'publicity' and called 'expos'. What's the point of having 3 ports for a population that won't use those infrastructure. Infrastructure is created for 'demand'. Where is the demand in Somalia? their all poor, they won't be using it. You going to invest millions into something just so a 100 business men in a clan can use it? that's a dead investment. You won't even recover your investment let alone make a profit from it.

Untill Somalia market changes and customers are buying as much as europeans on a single day, there is no need to invest in any infrastructure. It depends on how much somalis spend that determines if infrastructure is needed. If Somalis kept outstripping the market for goods, I can understand a new port is needed to bring in more goods. That's logical but why do so when this isn't happening.

We should be discussing how to increase Puntland incomes, by doing this then you can discuss the infrastructure needed to support the demand.
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It's well known an economic cycle is like 'rounded wheel'. At the beginning of the wheel there needs to be 'demand' and from that investors need to answer that demand. Right now we have no real 'investors' in job creation sector. Their usually diaspora driven that is 'small' investment that only hires a few of their own clans-men. You can't build an economy like this through clan-networks. It requires the whole population is employed through 'mass investment' in fishery for example.

It's up to the government to say to business people, listen we demand you hire '500' people in any given project and any given project that doesn't answer this will be 'refused' investment. We need a planned economy. We need to say this is the amount of people we need employed either directly or indirectly by any investment project. Then ask investors to seek opportunities based on 'employment' levels it can produce.


@Tukraq where are our 'economist' division in Puntland government? They need to list the industries that can create their 'targetted' employment levels. For example fishery investments can bring employment to thousands of people either directly or indirectly. The livestock industry, why isn't someone answering this sector by using modern animal husbandry techniques like creating a factory that focuses on creating livestock 'feed' to camels. Thru this factory you can create possibly 200 workers because everyone has a camel in Puntland and will buy these products.

Water industry is another big sector that can employ 1000's of people directly or indirectly as water shortages are huge problem and with the government identifying 'solution' that's when they need to pitch the idea to business people either locally or diaspora or foreign and present 'profit data' to support the investment decision.

We don't even have an 'employment' goal year by year how we will reduce it let alone monitoring 'stages'.


@Tukraq where are our 'economist' division in Puntland government? They need to list the industries that can create their 'targetted' employment levels. For example fishery investments can bring employment to thousands of people either directly or indirectly. The livestock industry, why isn't someone answering this sector by using modern animal husbandry techniques like creating a factory that focuses on creating livestock 'feed' to camels. Thru this factory you can create possibly 200 workers because everyone has a camel in Puntland and will buy these products.

Water industry is another big sector that can employ 1000's of people directly or indirectly as water shortages are huge problem and with the government identifying 'solution' that's when they need to pitch the idea to business people either locally or diaspora or foreign and present 'profit data' to support the investment decision.
I feel it also has to happen more naturally, if theres demand than local business should provide


@Tukraq what is our land management policy. The first thing a government needs to do is regulate this matter. Who owns the land? Does the government or the district or the gobol? Or is it no man's land? We need to define this and start a 'pricing' indexes on land value and start giving the land out for investors to build on.

We need to create division plot of the land in all of Puntland into sub-divisions. A residential division, Business Division, Industrial division, a Government division. Start mapping the areas and zoning out these areas. I want well planned cities that follow proper urban planning don't you? You want a city well laid out and know this 'end of the town is residential' where people 'live' and this part of town is where 'small business operates' and this part of the town is 'big businesses and factories' and this other part of the town is 'government facilities'


Tukraq public utilities like water, sewage, drainage, electricity need their own 'defined' zone. Residential living need their own zone. Central Business and Markets need their own zone. Large factories need their own zone. To even out competition you even out the land prices in each zone based on 'plot size needed' for your operations.


Tukraq public utilities like water, sewage, drainage, electricity need their own 'defined' zone. Residential living need their own zone. Central Business and Markets need their own zone. Large factories need their own zone. To even out competition you even out the land prices in each zone based on 'plot size needed' for your operations.
most cities haven't been planned in this way though honestly, it was more of a natural progression


most cities haven't been planned in this way though honestly, it was more of a natural progression

Have u noticed the Chinese made road are usually 'shit' because they can't with-stand weather conditions. Their not 'all-weather roads' at all because if you look at the 'base' of the road, it's usually 'gravel' which will self-destruct after heavy rain-falls. You can basically take a 'hose' at full-strength and tear into the road because below it is 'soft earth' lol. We need strong materials below the 'asphalt' like 'concrete, steel, etc' do you agree?

Where are the road engineers in Puntland or Somalispot? Surely you have a-lot to explain why your using 'soft soil' as a 'base' for 'asphalt' tarmac? this makes no sense in physics at all. If you go to a western road and u touch the 'tarmac' it's clearly re-inforced by strong element below it like 'steel or concrete' as a base. If you do this with the roads in puntland, you could 'crack' through it.

Asphalt is just like the 'icing on the cake' on top of a road construction. What counts is what's below the asphalt looooooool. Like a Cake, the icing(asphalt) doesn't matter if the cake base is 'spongey' looooool compared to a cake that is made of 'rock or some hardened surface'

Wallahi our homes are created from better materials as foundation. You can take a hose and not crack thru the concrete below. However our roads are constructed from inferior materials how does this make sense to anyone when the road needs to be made of the strongest materials
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I trust the islamophobic China more than these sandnigger monarchs :manny:

UAE left us hanging with the whole Bosaso port deal, we're more likely to get Garcad up and running sooner than Bosaso
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