How did the Classical Scholars View the Shia?

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
before anyone starts with the "if you criticize the Shia- that means you're a Saudi-Wahhabi-Zionist-Madkhali!"- let me just mention that most of these fataawa I have with me predate every single one of those concepts. u tell me if u want to call Imam Malik a Zionist agent.

and if Iran really fought the zionists... yeah I'd be for it but I don't believe it's ever going to happen and I'm not duped by Iran's fakery. anyways... what I'm fed up with is I'm fed up with ppl promoting Shi'ism. if ppl started calling anyone a "Zionist-Wahhabi-Madkhali-Saudi" who criticizes Hinduism- I'd be bothered by that. so it bothers me when ppl go against basic aqeedah (you have a serious aqeedah issue if your wala and bara are for the sake of supporting 12er kaffirs) and do that when it comes to shi'ism. enough of my words, let's see what classical scholars say:




Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

I'll post more later insha'Allah. We haven't even reached the lifetime of Ibn Taymiyyah. And I still have a lot more.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف



how many times are people going to be duped by the same shenanigans?



Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

all options on the table... those all options have been on that table since 1979.... someone somewhere high up in the Iran government is laughing at us and thinking we're all retarded

before anyone starts with the "if you criticize the Shia- that means you're a Saudi-Wahhabi-Zionist-Madkhali!"- let me just mention that most of these fataawa I have with me predate every single one of those concepts. u tell me if u want to call Imam Malik a Zionist agent.

and if Iran really fought the zionists... yeah I'd be for it but I don't believe it's ever going to happen and I'm not duped by Iran's fakery. anyways... what I'm fed up with is I'm fed up with ppl promoting Shi'ism. if ppl started calling anyone a "Zionist-Wahhabi-Madkhali-Saudi" who criticizes Hinduism- I'd be bothered by that. so it bothers me when ppl go against basic aqeedah (you have a serious aqeedah issue if your wala and bara are for the sake of supporting 12er kaffirs) and do that when it comes to shi'ism. enough of my words, let's see what classical scholars say:

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Do you know Arabic, brother? See this clip about the truth about the Iranian attacks

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Do you know Arabic, brother? See this clip about the truth about the Iranian attacks

I watched some of it with the autotranslate subtitles.

I'm an Arabic learner. I can somewhat read and write in it but I'm not at the point where I watch videos without subtitles.

It's a really good video but... it's extremely frustrating how so many Muslims... I don't mean on here but I mean throughout the entire ummah... are deceived by this illusion that Iran promotes


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
Do you know Arabic, brother? See this clip about the truth about the Iranian attacks

I watched some of it with the autotranslate subtitles.

I'm an Arabic learner. I can somewhat read and write in it but I'm not at the point where I watch videos without subtitles.

It's a really good video but... it's extremely frustrating how so many Muslims... I don't mean on here but I mean throughout the entire ummah... are deceived by this illusion that Iran promotes
Yeah I gave it a watch with subtitiles aswell, Weridly the majority of the comments are critical of the video for various reasons. Just toggle the translate feature on browser
Iran is doing this because Israel is a threat to its plans to dominate the Middle East and not because they care about Palestinians.

If a snake and a scorpion fight it’s because one crawled into the others cave.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
ok I'm not intending to upload the whole book. if anyone wants the whole chapter, the book is called "Silencing the Barking Dog", it's a book against Ali Mirza Jehlumi who from what I understand is a Pakistani who promotes unity with Shia to Urdu-speakers.

I don't think I got even halfway through the chapter here.


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