How can just someone dissapear

Marshall D Abdi

Know you’re place peasant

So basically his name is Lars Joachim Mittank (born February 9, 1986)[1] is a German man who disappeared on July 8, 2014, near Varna Airport in Varna, Bulgaria. Mittank was vacationing at the Golden Sands resort, where he was involved in a fight, and was subsequently unable to fly home with his friends for health reasons. Mittank was witnessed acting strangely while alone in Bulgaria, and days later disappeared into the forest around Varna Airport for reasons unknown.[2]

Side note he was talking to his mom in the AirPort before he ran away , and he Said to her 4 men are following me mom, and just stormed for some reason never to be find again

Marshall D Abdi

Know you’re place peasant
Its funny How far we can see pluto but give up on important cases like this

the family dont know if he is dead or alive someone should relieve their pain and just find fake dead body and tell them is their son

