Grand Isim Of Mudug And Sanaag Pressure Deni To Ceasefire



Islaan Bashiir iyo Suldaan Siciid oo soo dhexgalay dagaalka PSF iyo Aaran-jaan​



Suldaan Siciid iyo Islaan Bashiir,ayaa la hadlay Deni,waxuuna ka balan qaaday Xabad joojin iyo wada xaajood. Waxaa loo qabtay Saacado in uu ku dhawaaqo Xabad joojin,taasoo hada ay ku jiraan shaacinteeda.


Xalay,waxaa arinka galay Suldaan Siciid oo uu ka balan qaaday in uu Xabada joojinayo Deni,balse waa ka baxay balankaas oo Weerar buu qaaday.

Isku soo wada duuboo shaacinta hada ay ku jiraan Deni iyo Dowladiisa,ayaan sugaynaa.


I support a total and un-conditional ceasefire in Bosaso. However any post-ceasefire agreements must bring to justice Ilmo diyano thru a military trial. These two traitors are camped out in Mogadishu with their master farmajo. Maxamud Diyano isn't in Bosaso, I just got updated by a few of my relatives in PL.


@Jungle nice try to say PL fights urban-warfare, that's only for 'tabar daran' clans. Diyano family is fighting urban warfare only, not even his clan, but his immediate relatives.

But in the south your clan wars are urban warfare, so that can only means your clans, 'tabar ahan' waxad uu dhiganta 'ilmo diyano' family, because no clan warfare has ever happened in PL in an urban setting. This proves my point. Obviously diyano family cannot with-stand a state army, so their holed up in the PSF compound and using the same tactics of the 'south' of shooting hobiye into residential areas and the only reason they use this tactic is because they are to weak to fight conventionally.
@Jungle nice try to say PL fights urban-warfare, that's only for 'tabar daran' clans. Diyano family is fighting urban warfare only, not even his clan, but his immediate relatives.

But in the south your clan wars are urban warfare, so that can only means your clans, 'tabar ahan' waxad uu dhiganta 'ilmo diyano' family, because no clan warfare has ever happened in PL in an urban setting. This proves my point. Obviously diyano family cannot with-stand a state army, so their holed up in the PSF compound and using the same tactics of the 'south' of shooting hobiye into residential areas and the only reason they use this tactic is because they are to weak to fight conventionally.
Why you lying? I literally just saw on Twitter that a 15 year old was eating breakfast in his home when he got hit with a stray bullet. Are you really that retarded that you make everything (even dead people) about tribalism. it was an urban warfare taking place in the bosaaso xafaadyaal. Deal with it


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Why you lying? I literally just saw on Twitter that a 15 year old was eating breakfast in his home when he got hit with a stray bullet. Are you really that retarded that you make everything (even dead people) about tribalism. it was an urban warfare taking place in the bosaaso xafaadyaal. Deal with it

You loser PSF diyano wing ran from their posts in Galgala. Why didn't they stay there and fight open warfare, I'll tell u why? they don't have enuff soldiers, it's a family not a clan. Deni is Osman Mahmoud and every osman mahmoud is backing him, Diyano family then holed themselves up in the PSF compound thinking they can get the PL govt to buckle so they don't harm civilians.

This isn't PSF VS Puntland, all PSF are under the new commander, it's only diyano relatives nothing more. Obviously a family will fight urban warfare but it's sad when in the south 'clans' fight like that, that's why I know their as weak as one family in PL. I remember seeing your clans in 99 and how weak they were, u wud hide behind civilians and shit in a city and the reason u did that was so you can get the other side to buckle and show some mercy to the people.


@Trapmacalin diyano isn't a clan, they are a family, I can expect a family to use urban warfare as a tactic but when it's clans using this, it can only mean one thing and u know what that means. It means they're not strong enough to fight out in the open and hiding behind civilian sheilds. It's the weakest form of warfare.

Infact I urge PL govt not to nudge on diyano, they exposed how weak they are by using urban warfare, do not let them use 'civilians as shield' excuse, do not buckle and demand PSF compound n weapons are all handed over. Their bullets will run out since their in a 'siege' situation with no resupply or logistic corridors open for them.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
No more isims. They previous statement from the isims destroyed the reputation isims had. This fiasco taught us a wise lesson. From now on isimo from other provinces should be brought rather than local isimo. If a political standoff is happening in mudug, call in sanaag and nugaal isims etc etc. Or else you’ll get the same nonsense statement as three weeks ago.


Minister of Propaganda
No more isims. They previous statement from the isims destroyed the reputation isims had. This fiasco taught us a wise lesson. From now on isimo from other provinces should be brought rather than local isimo. If a political standoff is happening in mudug, call in sanaag and nugaal isims etc etc. Or else you’ll get the same nonsense statement as three weeks ago.

How about we get rid of all the clan leaders from politics in general.

How about we get rid of all the clan leaders from politics in general.

You can't. Somali society is based on clans, and clans have leaders. Who is to mediate if two clans fight both part of the government? Who is to stop a dictator from rising. Deni broke laws fired bullets inside the parliament and almost killed people. Illegally fired mps.


Minister of Propaganda
You can't. Somali society is based on clans, and clans have leaders. Who is to mediate if two clans fight both part of the government? Who is to stop a dictator from rising. Deni broke laws fired bullets inside the parliament and almost killed people. Illegally fired mps.

Look at our society, does it seem healthy to you??

That means whatever our society is relying on is cancerous.

You’ve just proven my point.
Look at our society, does it seem healthy to you??

That means whatever our society is relying on is cancerous.

You’ve just proven my point.

It's not healthy but what can you do about it? You can only give it time, step by step slowly. Make the isimo slowly obsolete by not needing them. Clans need to have proper judicial system that is fair and not corrupt. Which will be hard to build.
Adeer fkd is brutal, it is not for the faint of heart. No somalinimo exists on this site, look for it elsewhere.

Compared to what some pl folks here said when other regions experienced misfortune, me tekniko, bariire and other spectators have held back a lot.
I will be supporting Somalinimo heavily on this site inshallah.
@Trapmacalin diyano isn't a clan, they are a family, I can expect a family to use urban warfare as a tactic but when it's clans using this, it can only mean one thing and u know what that means. It means they're not strong enough to fight out in the open and hiding behind civilian sheilds. It's the weakest form of warfare.

Infact I urge PL govt not to nudge on diyano, they exposed how weak they are by using urban warfare, do not let them use 'civilians as shield' excuse, do not buckle and demand PSF compound n weapons are all handed over. Their bullets will run out since their in a 'siege' situation with no resupply or logistic corridors open for them.
Warya stop lying. Civilians were hit and AUN to them because they are my fellow somali brothers and sisters but stop lying. Every Militia in this world uses human shield in urban warfare


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