Garacad port is a big hit on Reddit r/Africa

Our enemies right now


I predict a major outbreak of Majeertentitis in the coming months.
The entire region all the way to Galdogob is mostly plain. The Mudug plain has a flat terrain that will make it easier to finish the road. I hope they push the road a bit south towards dinowda, ceel dhanaan, tawfiq, afbarwaqo before jutting towards Galkayo.
Somalia could have been like Singapore, and Hong Kong but we are stuck with jungle mentality. In 2021 instead of having 100 literacy rate, low unemployment, no infant mortality and high GPD. We have to beg Indians and turks for medical assistance, Sudan and Ethiopia for education and everything is imported sometimes it is out of date and ppl still consume it.


Somalia could have been like Singapore, and Hong Kong but we are stuck with jungle mentality. In 2021 instead of having 100 literacy rate, low unemployment, no infant mortality and high GPD. We have to beg Indians and turks for medical assistance, Sudan and Ethiopia for education and everything is imported sometimes it is out of date and ppl still consume it.

You know there could've been the Mogadishu-south Ethiopia-south Sudan trade corridor which would've generated Billions annually but Kenya beat it to it through Mombasa and soon to be Lamu ports :hmm:


Isn't the Chinese gone take Mombasa and Lamu going to Somalia's or is that Ugali Science?
Why the hell will Lamu go to Somalia :mjlol:
Mombasa remains an asset to the government but we shall see if it becomes privatized as ports across the world are becoming privatized.
Joke aside, at the moment we need to concentrate on building roads and if it is possible railways. Having a great infrastructure is better then just having trade agreements. I really hope the next administration in Mogadishu gets few ministers who worked in the fields of medicine, health care, engineering, infrastructure etc. It is difficult when you are dirt poor with the finances but if u can lure the great minds it is worth it. Say for example 5 ministers to get the country moving you pay them on their performance and what they are achieving. We got 100 of ministers and their staff and not a single Somali knows them or their achievements.

Last 4yrs the Ex gov struggled to build 1 Road leading to afgooye and we have minister Gamal whose best achievement is selling our fish to the Chinese for a meagre 1mil.

The 4.5 rule wouldn't matter for all I care you get reer waqooyi, d&m, bantu and leave Dblock and Hblock out. I think every Somali would be proud to see a successful Somalia. Otherwise you are stuck with child soldiers turned businessmen from looting poor Somalis wealth.
You know there could've been the Mogadishu-south Ethiopia-south Sudan trade corridor which would've generated Billions annually but Kenya beat it to it through Mombasa and soon to be Lamu ports :hmm:
mombasa is pretty far south compared to south sudan. if somalia gets on its feet a south sudan-mogadishu trade corridor would benefit both


mombasa is pretty far south compared to south sudan. if somalia gets on its feet a south sudan-mogadishu trade corridor would benefit both

The Mogadishu corridor will never happen in 20 years as the port is operated by a Turkish firm that won't plow hundreds of millions of dollars for this project. :pachah1: