Fourth wave feminism and thoughts


Pretend there is a title here
I am a feminist, I support women´s equal participation in society.

And today fourth wave feminism. the feminism that´s more prevalent today puts focus on marginalized groups, like black people. trans people and disabled women

Now i have a question for the women here.

Do you support trans women ,and if you don´t can you give some reasons for why?


They can identify however they want i just hate that they tryna hijack womanhood. And this is coming from someone who isn’t too feminine.


Pretend there is a title here
They can identify however they want i just hate that they tryna hijack womanhood. And this is coming from someone who isn’t too feminine.

How do they want to ´hijack´ womanhood, Isn´t womanhood something you´re born with


How do they want to ´hijack´ womanhood, Isn´t womanhood something you´re born with
They tryna make womanhood accessible to biological men when it shouldn’t be. The only womanhood they should be experiencing is transwomanhood
I am a feminist, I support women´s equal participation in society.

And today fourth wave feminism. the feminism that´s more prevalent today puts focus on marginalized groups, like black people. trans people and disabled women

Now i have a question for the women here.

Do you support trans women ,and if you don´t can you give some reasons for why?

They tryna make womanhood accessible to biological men when it shouldn’t be. The only womanhood they should be experiencing is transwomanhood

How can you claim to support gender equality and fighting against gender based discrimination but also be anti transgender who also experience discrimination and oppression based on their gender identity?

You two are larpers and have no right to call yourself feminists.


How can you claim to support gender equality and fighting against gender based discrimination but also be anti transgender who also experience discrimination and oppression based on their gender identity?

You two are larpers and have no right to call yourself feminists.
I care about cis women every one else can rot in hell.
How can you claim to support gender equality and fighting against gender based discrimination but also be anti transgender who also experience discrimination and oppression based on their gender identity?

You two are larpers and have no right to call yourself feminists.

There are only two genders. I will not participate in the delusion that is transnimo. You can continue enabling that mental illness though.
Trans self-perception is similar to the delusions that characterize body dysmorphic disorder, in which self-image detaches from the "objective" image so to speak...these people need therapy not doctors affirming them. You don’t tell someone with body dysmorphia that their “truth” is true, you help the realize that they have a mental condition and need help. But with this trans delusion, you have doctors affirming children that they can be whatever gender they want - that is insanity.

I don’t ascribe to modern day feminism, there’s too many direct factors that contradict my Islamic values. I don’t need secular labels to tell me about gender equality/woman empowerment