Food prices and cost of living soar in the region of Somaliland


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Just like how DP World skyrocketed the price of food and cost of living in Djboutii, DP world started pulling the same trick and is aiming for the same out put, the unspecting and drug induced local desert population doesn't help either nor do they pay attention to these type of matters.

Hadhwanaag Media Network -

Lis Dairy
Warshadda ILEYS

Qiimaha Maceeshada oo Kor Ugu Kacay Suuqyada Somaliland
Wednesday August 25, 2021 - 14:22:59

Qiimaha Maceeshada oo Kor Ugu Kacay Suuqyada Somaliland

Qiimaha Maceeshada, ayaa kor ugu kacay suuqyada Somaliland, taas oo saamayn ku yeelatay dadka danyarta ah ee marka horeba la tacaalayay daruuriyaadka oo nolloshoodu ahayd qadaa ma dhergaan.


Tan iyo Bishii hore July waxa isa soo tarayay korodhka qiimaha maceeshada ee raashinka oo ay Bulshaddu si weyn u dareentay, waxaana kor u kacay qiimaha Bariiska, Sonkorta, Baastada, Saliida, halka qiimaha daqiiqda aannay waxba ku kordhin.
Qaar ka mid ah Bakhaarada iibiya raashinka, ayaa sheegay in marka la eego bishii hore ee July 2021, Bariiska Kiishka 50kgrm, qiimihiisu ahaa $ 50, waxaase si lama filaan ah uu kor ugu kacay August 2021, iyadoo uu gaadhay $ 53 dollar, taas oo ka dhigan in ay ku kordheen $3 dollar.

Sidoo kale, bishii July 2021, Sonkorta Kiishka 50kgrm, qiimihu wuxuu ahaa $ 31, laakiin August 2021, ayuu kordhay qiimihu, isagoo gaadhay $ 33 dollar, waxana ku kordhay $ 2 dollar.
Qiimaha Kartuunka Saliida oo 4 caagadood ah, isla markaana midiiba ay ku jiraan 5 Ltr, qiimihu wuxuu ahaa July 2021, $ 30, waxayna xilligan maraysaa $ 38, waxaa ku kordhay $8 dollar.
Sidoo kale, waxa si layaable u korodhay Saliida aan safaysnayn ee uu keeno ganacsade Omaar oo ku jirta shirikaamada 20 Ltr, taas oo qimeheedu marayay July 2021, $ 17 dollar, balse waxa mar keliya kacay qiimaha lagu iiboyo maraysaa August 2021, $ 31 dollar, waxaana ku kordhay $ 13 dollar shirikaanka saliida ee noocaa ah, taas oo inta baddan ay isticmaalaan dadka danyarta ah ee aan awooddin in ay iibsadaan Saliida ku jirta Caagadaha 5Ltr oo lagu tilmaamo in ay tahay mid safaysan, taas oo ganacsatp kala duwan ay keento, halka nooca ka mid ah dalka lagu farsameeyo. ,
Waxa kale oo kordhay qiimaha Kartoonka Baastada ee 10kgr, waxayna halkii ay bushii hore July 2021, ka ahayd $ 7 dollar, gaadhay August 2021, $ 8.5, taas oo ka dhigay qiimaha kordhay Kartuunka Baastada $ 1.5 dollar.

Korodhka Maceeshada oo ay si weyn dadku u dareemeen, islamarkaana ay si gaar ah ugu nugul yihiin dadka aan haysan dhaqaale buuran ee la xarbiya nolol maalmeedkooda, "lama garanayo waxay ganacsatadu qiimaha maceeshada sidan ugu kiciyeen, mana jirto cid ka qabanaysa in ay sidan arxandarada ah wax u iibiyaan, waxaanse Allah ka sugaynaa inuu naga soo gaadho kuwa aan naxariista lahayn.” Sidaa waxa tidhi, Hooyo da’anyar ah oo ka cabanaysay korodhka qiimaha maceeshada.
Mana jiro wax war ah oo ay Wasaaradda Ganacsiga Somaliland ka soo saartay korodhka qiimaha maceeshada oo kor u sii socda labadii bilood ee u dambeeyay.
Inta baddan ganacsatada Somaliland ee maceeshada iyo alaabooyinka kale maaha qiimaha ay wax ku iibiyaan mid la dhaqdhaqaaqa suuqyada ganacsiga aduunka, taas oo sababta in marka ay doonaan qiimaha maceeshada kordhiyaan, balse waxay xilliyadii hore foodsaaro uga dhigan jireen in la kordhiyo maceeshada iyo alaabta kale xilliyada aannu fadhiyin qiimaha isku bedelka sarifka lacagta adag ee dollarka iyo shillinka Somaliland, wallow annaay xilligan muuqan faraq dhinaca dhaqdhaqaaqa suuqa sarifka dollarka oo laga dareemayo Somaliland.


Ahmed Ato

the reason food and prices are higher in Somalia is because almost all of the foods are imported. these prices are sometimes even higher than developed countries where people have income in contrast to lack of income in Somalia/Somaliland.


I started my own security company Cerberus.
the reason food and prices are higher in Somalia is because almost all of the foods are imported. these prices are sometimes even higher than developed countries where people have income in contrast to lack of income in Somalia/Somaliland.
I read they even import Chicken meat from Brazil. The f*ck? All the way Brazil? You mean to tell me all the chicken running around in the billions inside Somalia can't be slaughtered for food? I need to contact Gogobte to see how his Xamar restaurant has changed in prices.

Ahmed Ato

I read they even import Chicken meat from Brazil. The f*ck? All the way Brazil? You mean to tell me all the chicken running around in the billions inside Somalia can't be slaughtered for food? I need to contact Gogobte to see how his Xamar restaurant has changed in prices.
that is very sad if it is true. however, in Somalia they don't eat that much of chicken meat so it is not that problematic but these other stable foods such sugar and rice need to manufactured in Somalia to cut the prices.
Hadhwanaagnews is not a good source, use another source.
Nothing has changed regarding to prices in Somaliland, to the contrary, prices has fallen.

Literally everything increased in Puntland.

• Vegetable prices are increasing in some markets compared to last week. For instance, in Bossaso lettuce and pepper increased by 8% compared to last week. In addition, tomatoes and potatoes increased slightly (<5%) per Kg.

• Camel milk prices are increasing throughout Puntland due to low supply resulting from seasonality. For instance, the prices increased by 10% to 20% compared to last week. In addition, goat milk prices also increased by 8% compared to last week ($1.3 to 1.4)

• Fuel prices remained stable in many markets compared to last week except in Bossaso where diesel prices increased by 9% per litre compared to last week.

• Local cereals (white sorghum and maize) prices increased significantly in last two weeks. For instance, white Sorghum increased from 35,000 So SH to 40,000 So SH (14%), also white maize increased by 19% compared to last week per Kg due to low supply from Southern regions.

• Collapse of (counterfeited version of) Somalia Shillings in Puntland to great inconvenience for ordinary people.

Literally all their metrics bar 1 decreased or stabilised in Somaliland.

Prices of fruits and vegetables remain the same

Prices of fruits and vegetables remain the same compared to last week except garlic that increased from 11,000 to 12,000 per Kg. Onions, potatoes, tomatoes and carrots remained the same at 6,700 SL SH, 4,800 SL SH, 9,000 SL SH and 5,000 SL SH per Kg. In addition, in Hargeisa and Gebiley a medium sized watermelon remained at 35,000 SL SH. per piece due to increased production locally.

In Hargeisa, prices of white maize and red sorghum remain the same as last week. However, white sorghum prices slightly decreased by –4% per Kg due to the improvement of the local supply and also from Ethiopia.

In Erigavo, traders have opted to use Berbera as a source market due to limited supply of commodities from Bosasso due to monsoon winds. However, Somaliland authority has imposed new taxes between Bosasso and Erigavo corridor.

Traders from BeletHawo, Doolow and Luuq have switched to Berbera port since the route from Mogadishu is expensive due to taxation along the road by both Government and insurgents (A.S). In addition, prices of rice and sugar have decreased in Doolow, BeletHawo and Luuq by -4% to -6% per 25 Kg bag.


I do something called "what I want"
Nothing has changed regarding to prices in Somaliland

Literally everything increased in Puntland.
The classic “Deny & Deflect” tactic. What’s with you landertards fighting tooth and nail to deny anything bad from SL as if it’s heaven on earth. I have never seen you guys criticize SL or accept any bad news no matter how true it is.

This is somali politics, not FKD. Why have to bring up PL? Did OP claim pl was any better? If you cared so much why not make your own thread?

Instead you try and turn this into a competition “at least I’m not as bad as you!”. We get it, you’re slightly better than the neighbouring sh*thole, now what?
The classic “Deny & Deflect” tactic. What’s with you landertards fighting tooth and nail to deny anything bad from SL as if it’s heaven on earth. I have never seen you guys criticize SL or accept any bad news no matter how true it is.

This is somali politics, not FKD. Why have to bring up PL? Did OP claim pl was any better? If you cared so much why not make your own thread?

Instead you try and turn this into a competition “at least I’m not as bad as you!”. We get it, you’re slightly better than the neighbouring sh*thole, now what?
chill chill:whoa:

What I stated is facts not something some butt-hurt qurba joog pulled out of his ass as stated in the Hadhwanaagnews page...

And no I don't think any place in the former Somali Republic is better than others, we do have some places that are slightly better than some, if you look at some specific parameters, but generally all Somalis are fucked.

So chill out inaadeer.....


The classic “Deny & Deflect” tactic. What’s with you landertards fighting tooth and nail to deny anything bad from SL as if it’s heaven on earth. I have never seen you guys criticize SL or accept any bad news no matter how true it is.

This is somali politics, not FKD. Why have to bring up PL? Did OP claim pl was any better? If you cared so much why not make your own thread?

Instead you try and turn this into a competition “at least I’m not as bad as you!”. We get it, you’re slightly better than the neighbouring sh*thole, now what?

Bad news from this loser making bait threads? :camby:

The classic “Deny & Deflect” tactic. What’s with you landertards fighting tooth and nail to deny anything bad from SL as if it’s heaven on earth. I have never seen you guys criticize SL or accept any bad news no matter how true it is.

This is somali politics, not FKD. Why have to bring up PL? Did OP claim pl was any better? If you cared so much why not make your own thread?

Instead you try and turn this into a competition “at least I’m not as bad as you!”. We get it, you’re slightly better than the neighbouring sh*thole, now what?
Why is Buuqlander from laangab lineage obsessed with SL and making threads about it with fake news instead of focusing on his desert empty state ??

There's no media in JSL talking about the supposed raise of food prices except the fake site handhwanaag I would have heard about it first from my key contacts in Hargeysa if it was true