FBI arrests alleged white supremacist accused of planning to bomb a Pueblo synagogue
This is extremely wrong and I'm 100 percent against this.
I am glad that they caught this lunatic terrorist and I think that Jews should be free to worship in their synagogues in peace. I believe that Islam says people of the book such as Jews should be free to practice their religion.
No one whether Jew, Christian or Muslim should have to worry for their safety in their place of worship. This is upsetting and I hope that all the synagogues are kept safe from this kind of thing and that Jews are able to worship in peace and safety.
I think this is an illustration of how sick the US has become. And I was born here and I don't have a big pile of money to just leave- I don't think it's a crime to be honest about the US and I'm not a colonial puppet.
Anyways, this is the sort of thing that illustrates how insane the society has become.
I think a lot of it has to do with feminism. Am I saying feminism spawns terrorism? Yes!
You have feminism which is promoted by elites to break up the family and then what.... you have broken families and you have mentally unstable individuals. And then this kind of thing happened.
I think it is almost certain that this man did not come from a healthy family. With healthy families, this kind of thing is not the norm in society. Feminists are traitors. They help produce the conditions that breed this kind of garbage and then they engage in name calling to try to shut you up if you point out their role in undermining the society. If you are against the family structure, you are against the society! The family structure is the backbone of society!
I hope that Allah protects the mosques, the synagogues and the churches as I believe the Sharia which Allah has sent says that such places are to be protected.
I ask Allah to guide the Jews to Islam, to become Muslims.
I think this incident with this crazy person shows- this alt-right thing is....... bad.
I wasn't entirely against the alt-right thing at first because I didn't really understand it and how bad it is. I didn't realize they were this demented.
The left is crazy and pushing for craziness like transgender seven year olds. I cannot just accept that kind of craziness and especially having it pushed on children.
One side is pushing for transgender seven year olds and the total elimination of marriage and family and even of gender.
Then the other side is now just openly pushing for a race war.
What a set of horrible choices. I wish I could be offered a third option which would be just plain sanity. The two we're being presented with are two forms of lunacy.
In any case, society breaking out into some kind of race war is not conducive for society continuing to function.
If we push for transgender seven year olds and the complete elimination of monogamy, marriage and family and for the entire society to be a society of promiscuous degenerates....... well.... it invites the wrath of Allah but.... I suppose that society can continue to function in a sense until the wrath hits it.
I am convinced that the right has managed to go so far off the deep end that the left is the lesser of two evils. I don't believe in voting and I don't intend to vote. However, I think it should be clear that the alt-right should be shut down.
I honestly hope the left takes power and passes hate speech laws and forces things to where there is no first amendment- at least not in the instance of what they call "hate speech". I don't believe in freedom of speech anyways and I am convinced that people should be able to go about their business in peace without some kind of race war breaking out.
This is extremely wrong and I'm 100 percent against this.
I am glad that they caught this lunatic terrorist and I think that Jews should be free to worship in their synagogues in peace. I believe that Islam says people of the book such as Jews should be free to practice their religion.
No one whether Jew, Christian or Muslim should have to worry for their safety in their place of worship. This is upsetting and I hope that all the synagogues are kept safe from this kind of thing and that Jews are able to worship in peace and safety.
I think this is an illustration of how sick the US has become. And I was born here and I don't have a big pile of money to just leave- I don't think it's a crime to be honest about the US and I'm not a colonial puppet.
Anyways, this is the sort of thing that illustrates how insane the society has become.
I think a lot of it has to do with feminism. Am I saying feminism spawns terrorism? Yes!
You have feminism which is promoted by elites to break up the family and then what.... you have broken families and you have mentally unstable individuals. And then this kind of thing happened.
I think it is almost certain that this man did not come from a healthy family. With healthy families, this kind of thing is not the norm in society. Feminists are traitors. They help produce the conditions that breed this kind of garbage and then they engage in name calling to try to shut you up if you point out their role in undermining the society. If you are against the family structure, you are against the society! The family structure is the backbone of society!
I hope that Allah protects the mosques, the synagogues and the churches as I believe the Sharia which Allah has sent says that such places are to be protected.
I ask Allah to guide the Jews to Islam, to become Muslims.
I think this incident with this crazy person shows- this alt-right thing is....... bad.
I wasn't entirely against the alt-right thing at first because I didn't really understand it and how bad it is. I didn't realize they were this demented.
The left is crazy and pushing for craziness like transgender seven year olds. I cannot just accept that kind of craziness and especially having it pushed on children.
One side is pushing for transgender seven year olds and the total elimination of marriage and family and even of gender.
Then the other side is now just openly pushing for a race war.
What a set of horrible choices. I wish I could be offered a third option which would be just plain sanity. The two we're being presented with are two forms of lunacy.
In any case, society breaking out into some kind of race war is not conducive for society continuing to function.
If we push for transgender seven year olds and the complete elimination of monogamy, marriage and family and for the entire society to be a society of promiscuous degenerates....... well.... it invites the wrath of Allah but.... I suppose that society can continue to function in a sense until the wrath hits it.
I am convinced that the right has managed to go so far off the deep end that the left is the lesser of two evils. I don't believe in voting and I don't intend to vote. However, I think it should be clear that the alt-right should be shut down.
I honestly hope the left takes power and passes hate speech laws and forces things to where there is no first amendment- at least not in the instance of what they call "hate speech". I don't believe in freedom of speech anyways and I am convinced that people should be able to go about their business in peace without some kind of race war breaking out.