DEVELOPING NEWS Farmaajo's expired Adminstration sanctions two former president's pension and cuts off the pay of their security detail as well


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Farmaajo keeps humiliating and violating Sheikh Shariif and Hassan Sheikh in their own turf, these new sanctions he imposed on them is one of the latest abuses most of the influential Mogdishu leaders has gotten used to it by now.

From attacking opposition Candidates few months back to spraying them with bullets while demonstrating peacefully and eventually trying to assisnate them in a broad day light, we should all pray for the r dictatorship regime Mogdishu folks are facing on the hands of a homeless and landlocked small clan leader.:meleshame::mjcry:

XOG: Dowladda oo jartay LACAG ay qaadan jireen Xasan iyo Sheekh Shariif
xasaaa hasan
April 9, 2021

Xog ay heshay Badweyn Online ayaa xaqiijineysa in qeyb ka mid ah laga jartay lacago gunno ah oo ay qaadan jireen Madaxweynayaashii hore ee Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud, taasi oo ay bixin jirtay dowladda dhexe.
Lacagtan ayaa aheyd mid labada madaxweyne ama madaxweyne kasta oo xilka ka dega uu dastuurka u ogolanayo, balse waxaa lacagtaas hadda qeyb kamid ah ka jartay Villa Somalia, sida ay noo xaqiijiyeen xubno ku dhow.

Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa sidoo kale wareysi uu bixiyay maalmo ka hor, oo uu siiyey Idaacadda Kulmiye, waxa uu ku sheegay in laga jartay qeyb kamid ah lacago ay xaq u lahaayeen islamarkaana ay qaadan jireen sanado ka hor.

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Sidoo kale Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh ayaa sheegay in lacagta gunnooyinka ah laga jartay ciidankii la socday isaga iyo madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif.
Arrintaan ayuu ku micneeyay cunaqabatayn ka dhan ah madaxdii hore iyo sidoo kale in ay tahay daan-daansi ka dhan labadaan masuul oo dalka usoo shaqeeyay xili adag.

Wali dowladda Soomaaliya kama aysan hadlin eedeymaha loo soo jeediyay oo ah kuwa culus maadaama uu cadeeyay mid kamid ah madaxdii hore.
Dowladda ayaa horey u qaaday tallaabooyin ka dhan ah labadan madaxweyne, waxaana ka mid.
He wants to keep poking them until they start a war, he'll declare national emergency, postpone the elections and get extension.

I hope the two former presidents don't fall for his tricks.

He's getting desperate.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Good job President Farmaajo they should beg Kenya to pay for their bills because they have been a thorn in the side of Somali stability. A former ex terrorist and an corrupt incompetent baboon should never hold sway in this country again, the time of begging bowl anticts has come to an end.
Good job President Farmaajo they should beg Kenya to pay for their bills because they have been a thorn in the side of Somali stability. A former ex terrorist and an corrupt incompetent baboon should never hold sway in this country again, the time of begging bowl anticts has come to an end.
Look at this nitty getting all gassed, the weapon prices in mogadishu is through roof, I hope you know what that means you filthy ghetto mx.

The Retardmaajo you low iq worship will be the death of you lot.



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Look at this nitty getting all gassed, the weapon prices in mogadishu is through roof, I hope you know what that means you filthy ghetto mx.

The Retardmaajo you low iq worship will be the death of you lot.

Cumar Filish knows how to deal with a spoiler like you its April 9th and you still issuing empty threats :trumpsmirk:
Cumar Filish knows how to deal with a spoiler like you its April 9th and you still issuing empty threats :trumpsmirk:
You're either delusional or clueless if you think cumar filish holds any weight, his sub clan is the largest and most loyal abgaals, I'm sure they'll be gunning for that traitors head 1 of these days.

But you gotta first deal with the IC, national salvation co-op, and if you fail in the negotiations, then you'll have to deal with the final boss in the game - reer xamar.