Famous tiktoker talks about Pre-Islamic Somali, Langaab ajnabis go ape

''A Somali that is not Muslim, isn't Somali''

Cringe asf whenever I hear a Somali say that shit
Yes your Somali card has been revoked.

As for these fake claims, the white racists want to diminish our history, so that it is easier to mentally colonise us.

Modern people have a mental deficiency. They see dark skin, and they automatically start making stupid assumptions, not knowing that the ancient world was a different place. White skins were the slaves in the ancient world, contrary to what they might be falsely spreading today.
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''A Somali that is not Muslim, isn't Somali''

Cringe asf whenever I hear a Somali say that shit
Islam and somalinimo are interlinked, if you forsake that, you lose a lot of your ancestral knowledge, you become ostracised, you may even be put to death if you make it public.

hard to see how the two can’t be interconnected.
To say your not Somali if you leave the faith is stupid lets be real. Your genetic makeup and heritage doesn’t disappear the second you leave.

What you can say you cant be culturally Somali and be non-muslim as much of our culture is tied with islam.
Yeah that’s basically my point. Obviously you’ll remain ethnically Somali, but you’ll be detached from our culture and ostracised


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Yes your Somali card has been revoked.

As for these fake claims, the white racists want to diminish our history, so that it is easier to mentally colonise us.

Modern people have a mental deficiency. They see dark skin, and they automatically start making stupid assumptions, not knowing that the ancient world was a different place. White skins were the slaves in the ancient world, contrary to what they might be falsely spreading today.
It’s haram to do that. You can’t remove someone’s lineage


Coping through the 1st world
Somali identity is connected on our religion so if you're a murtad you aren't one of us so let those other gaalo you share faith with to adopt you

In that logic: you should leave the west and go back to your country since muslim should’t be staying in a gaalo country. You see how that logic goes against you?


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
In that logic: you should leave the west and go back to your country since muslim should’t be staying in a gaalo country. You see how that logic goes against you?
There are also many Somali clans that predate the arrival of Islam, and Islam originated in Hejaz not Sanaag.

Way too many holes in that argument to make any sense. Soomaali waa soomaali shaqada way dhamaatay


Coping through the 1st world
''A Somali that is not Muslim, isn't Somali''

Cringe asf whenever I hear a Somali say that shit

Somalis are hypocrites in nature and would kick out anyone who doesn’t align with their ideas. They’re extremely tribalistic mentally. Which explains why they haven’t progressed in the last three decades. Take the Tummal for example (they’re ethnically somali and majority Muslim) yet somalis don’t claim them as one of them. Why? Because they as a cast do works that requires black smiths and other metal works. Take the Bantu somalis (they arent ethnically Somali but they are majority Muslim) and yet somalis would deem them lesser than them. Majority Somalis dont claim anyone as one of them who doesn’t align with them.

Somalis would kick out nearly anyone and don’t even get along with themselves due to clan politics. Ummah nation doesn’t exist in Somalia but clan extremism does and Islamic extremism.
There are also many Somali clans that predate the arrival of Islam, and Islam originated in Hejaz not Sanaag.

Way too many holes in that argument to make any sense. Soomaali waa soomaali shaqada way dhamaatay
Find a Terrance, Toby or Tony in your lineage.

Actually imagine a Steve Ismaciil Xirsi Warsame. Not only will you be an anomaly, but more than likely your ancestors would not want to to have anything to do with you.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Find a Terrance, Toby or Tony in your lineage.

Actually imagine a Steve Ismaciil Xirsi Warsame. Not only will you be an anomaly, but more than likely your ancestors would not want to to have anything to do with you.
Somalis purposely Islamized their lineage. You could almost consider it Proto Arabization with the way they went about it.

Dir Aji Irir Samaale Hiil and then following names suddenly turn to Maxamed Yow Maxamed Cabdalraxman Aqil then Abu Talib the uncle of Nabi Muhammad saw.

You’re gonna tell me with a straight face a an African named Samaale is 6 generations removed from Quraysh? :mjlol: Not to mention Somalis even made up Arab names for Hiil Samaale Sab Hawiye Aji Irir and Dir. These are my Tories bro, these are my Steves.

The cultural self erasure was pretty successful obviously now that a thousand years later we got users like you arguing this never occurred, however, PRE ISLAMIC SAMAALE clans like Magaadle subclan of Dir Samaale the mother of half of Isaaq and Yibir subclan of Sab prove there was a pre Islamic Samaale/Sab society before the arrival of Islam.

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Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Somalis purposely Islamized their lineage. You could almost consider it Proto Arabization with the way they went about it.

Dir Aji Irir Samaale Hiil and then following names suddenly turn to Maxamed Yow Maxamed Cabdalraxman Aqil then Abu Talib the uncle of Nabi Muhammad saw.

You’re gonna tell me with a straight face a an African named Samaale is 6 generations removed from Quraysh? :mjlol: Not to mention Somalis even made up Arab names for Hiil Samaale Aji Irir Dir and Hawiye.

The cultural self erasure was pretty successful obviously now that a thousand years later we got users like you arguing this never occurred, however, PRE ISLAMIC SAMAALE clans like Habar Magaadle Dir the mother of half of Isaaq and Yibir subclan of Sab prove there was a pre Islamic Samaale/Sab society before the arrival of Islam.
Remember this post next time niggas press you across the site @Khanderson @error1 @Kisame dont let anyone tell you that you’re not Somali

wallahi billaxi tallaahi soomaali baa tahay and you’ll always be sons of Samaale.
Somalis purposely Islamized their lineage. You could almost consider it Proto Arabization with the way they went about it.

Dir Aji Irir Samaale Hiil and then following names suddenly turn to Maxamed Yow Maxamed Cabdalraxman Aqil then Abu Talib the uncle of Nabi Muhammad saw.

You’re gonna tell me with a straight face a an African named Samaale is 6 generations removed from Quraysh? :mjlol: Not to mention Somalis even made up Arab names for Hiil Samaale Sab Hawiye Aji Irir and Dir. These are my Tories bro, these are my Steves.

The cultural self erasure was pretty successful obviously now that a thousand years later we got users like you arguing this never occurred, however, PRE ISLAMIC SAMAALE clans like Magaadle subclan of Dir Samaale the mother of half of Isaaq and Yibir subclan of Sab prove there was a pre Islamic Samaale/Sab society before the arrival of Islam.

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The muslim names we have are ancient in our lineage. We have also always been a monotheistic people, even before Islam.

Our geographical location has covered south Arabia (Cushites were there in ancient times). We also have hebrew like names in our lineage, that even the Arabs mostly do not have.

Please stop pretending that we were some sort of African wild polytheists without any link to Arabia.
if you think that in this verse Allah permits disbelievers to follow ways of falsehood, im sorry but you have lots of learning to do.
What is a falsehood? Is christianity a falsehood? Judaism? From a Muslims point of view, I dont see why they would not be.
let me ask you a question. If that verse is to be understood as you think it is, would you say the conquering of Makkah by the prophet was an evil and wrong thing?
No. Islam has a long history of "conquering" lands and leaving the inhabitants to their religions and certainly not expelling them or turning them by the sword.

However, I will admit that I have a lot of learning to do with regards to the deen, and in this limited understanding, I dont wish to get involved into an extended back and forth.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
In that logic: you should leave the west and go back to your country since muslim should’t be staying in a gaalo country. You see how that logic goes against you?
islam doesnt have that law. you are free to be gaal here but we reject you, let the gaal take you, if they want you.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
I feel bad when I see gaalo on here fighting to claim somalinimo, you guys will never be accepted so there is no point. I know a saudi influencer who is known to be gaal and shit talks islam while living in Saudi, but they keep her behavior under wraps. You guys neede to understand that Somalis are very tight about Islam and we will never give you any leeway, if that influencer was Somali, she'd already be in jail.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
The muslim names we have are ancient in our lineage. We have also always been a monotheistic people, even before Islam.

Our geographical location has covered south Arabia (Cushites were there in ancient times). We also have hebrew like names in our lineage, that even the Arabs mostly do not have.

Please stop pretending that we were some sort of African wild polytheists without any link to Arabia.
Nobody’s denying there was cultural exchange between pre Islamic Somalia and Arabia or that we don’t have ancient Muslim ancestors as we’re one of the First Nations to accept Islam lakiinse there was a Somali identity before the diin there is no room for arguing historical fact.