Everyone Can Contribute to Islamic Apologetics

Everyone Can Contribute to Islamic Apologetics​

By Bassam Zawadi

If you want to contribute to the area of Islamic apologetics, but feel demotivated because you do not want to dedicate years of your life reading and researching to get good at it, then why not do other things?

For example, why don’t you give money to Muslim apologists who ask for donations and cover their costs? Why don’t you contribute to funding programs and initiatives whose main goal and aim is defending Islam and giving da’wah?

Better yet, why not translate already existing material into another language you know which lacks that material and then disseminate that material on the internet at relevant forums? For example, if you know French and feel that Islam is under attack in the French language and there are good responses to those arguments already available in English, then translate them! I especially direct this advice to brothers who know Arabic and English. There is a wealth of Arabic material refuting arguments against Islam that require translation into English. So why not translate that material?

If you do not wish to translate or donate, then why not actively promote the work of apologists to friends, family, on internet forums, social media groups, etc.?

You still do not know where to begin? Well, ask Muslim apologists how you could help, and I am sure they would give you some tips. The point is, do something!

In our world today, where Islam is constantly under attack, we all need to play a role, no matter how small, in standing up for our religion. Discover what you are good at, and then act.


