Guys i don't need a scientist to tell me Gays are born gay.
All the pudding is in the hadiths. This is what we know
1. Shaitan has the power to prick new born baby's heart, and infect them with waaswaasa of any sort, including the sin of homosexuality
2. Shaitan promised God he will make Banu Adam slaughter cattle aimlessly, meaning he is confident at his power of influence and misguiding
1. But mostly importantly Quran which is a certiable source tells us that Prophet Yahya pbuh was purposely unmarried. Sheikhs and Scholars interpreted this as 'having no inclination' to be with a woman or sex for that matter. Allaahu Yaclum
2. Quran also tells us homosexuality is nothing but a new invention in Humanity. People of Lut Pbuh started it.
With ALL these info, we can easily deduce that Shaitaan has the power to change sexuality of a baby and thus they were never born that way. Allaahu Yahlum
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