Was randomly scrolling through IG and Lo and Behond when I get to my home screen, I see this
Everything corrupts the youth. No need for bubble wrapping.
Just like @land owner said. Top 5 and the rest of the gangsters will defeat Al shabaab. These niggas will ear rape the men with some good ol music.Imagine if most Somali artists were making music like this instead of C-RAP music, there would be more doctors and engineers than Somali hoodlum gangsters lurking the streets
Was randomly scrolling through IG and Lo and Behond when I get to my home screen, I see this
That’s basically everyone in 2019es that listen to rap are trash.
No. Rap music is a stimulating agent for young men who have pent up energy and aggression. In the old days, they will go kill a lion or join a village wrestling.
Loooool. Someone needs to do a paid in full in Somali translationRap is good wallahi it turns jilec Somali men into real men although some stay whack and stay jileec while try to act hard cause of rap which is epic #fail. Music influences you indirectly even to some their dress style, body , physique, etc and manner and walke tc,
I love listening to rap because it boosts my testosterone levels and I view women solely as pleasure then having absolutely no regard for them whatsoever.
Rap will save Somali men from Hindi and other Timojileec xaar we need more African American movies translated to Somali.
LMFAO wallahi you are rightLoooool. Someone needs to do a paid in full in Somali translation
that would bang so much.
Yup. Agreed rap helps the beta Somali softies and even the most sheltered of rap fans can be violent and wild out as some would say and cause a “Mazza” fam. Which in turn would get them the respect they deserveRap is good wallahi it turns jilec Somali men into real men although some stay whack and stay jileec while try to act hard cause of rap which is epic #fail. Music influences you indirectly even to some their dress style, body , physique, etc and manner and walke tc,
I love listening to rap because it boosts my testosterone levels and I view women solely as pleasure then having absolutely no regard for them whatsoever.
Rap will save Somali men from Hindi and other Timojileec xaar we need more African American movies translated to Somali.