Do you agree with China?

I feel bad for black Americans they are basically the only ethnic group that despite having century long ties to a nation (USA) are told they don’t belong even by foreigners

Internet Nomad

Also no sources just says china social media is seething and everyone instantly believes it because of negative assumptions about the chinese


Plotting world domination
This is their country.

These multicultural western nations have a diverse talent pool compared to homogeneous nations. China has 1.4 billion people. They have no excuses for not producing Olympic athletes that can compete with america.

Even during the world cup niggas were crying about how France had an "African" team. These racist ass niggas can stay mad.
African Americans are the only Americans that have their begnings in America, that don't in memory stretch and connect to Africa in any meaningful way beyond genetics -- zero ethnic continuity. Matter of fact, in terms of DNA, African Americans preserved more of their genes as a collective, from the first time they stepped foot in America than American Whites (who are European hypermixed of which significant portion of that European geneflow came later and don't account for only first settlers), and Native Americans who are more mixed than African Americans.

African Americans are effectively the only group that descend more from slaves than any group on American soil. As a coherent group, African Americans are more American, less mixed and fundamentally got their identity established in America alone, unlike European settlers who knew their background well while only appropriating a national conception.

Then you have guys like Trump, his mother a FOB from Scotland, his father a child of two German FOBs, none of his ancestry has anything to do with original American settlers, has the audacity to talk about immigration. The guys father was a second generation immigrant with no prior roots on both sides of his family while his mother was born in a Scottish island, speaking Gaelish. Believe it or not, White racists (who are mixed and less American than Blacks) view Trump as more American, thinking of him as a White native, while always thinking of African Americans as Africans, distinct people that are not American enough. This is low intelligence of Americans identity and race issues.

I want to say that my attempt was not to through the Native Americans under the bus by being labeling them as mixed since their identity is more than genetics. Undeniably it is not doubt they were on the land since 12,000 years ago or so. I was just making a point.