To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
The population of Djibouti is close to 1 million. The birth rate is consistently dropping every year while Amhara and Oromo's share is growing. There is already over 100,000 Ethiopians residing in Djibouti.
To add salt to the injury, Amharas are starting to control sources of revenue. They already run most of the bars and provide services to the foreign troops stationed in Djibouti.
If these trends continue for the next 15-20 years, Djibouti will become de facto the Ethiopian territory.
Somaliland should pay attention to how Ethiopia is engineering the death of Somali Djibouti. We already know that Amhara and Oromo population are growing in Somaliland too. The landers should enforce control along the the border with Ethiopia before it is too late instead of trying to keep Somalis out of Somaliland.
To add salt to the injury, Amharas are starting to control sources of revenue. They already run most of the bars and provide services to the foreign troops stationed in Djibouti.
If these trends continue for the next 15-20 years, Djibouti will become de facto the Ethiopian territory.
Somaliland should pay attention to how Ethiopia is engineering the death of Somali Djibouti. We already know that Amhara and Oromo population are growing in Somaliland too. The landers should enforce control along the the border with Ethiopia before it is too late instead of trying to keep Somalis out of Somaliland.